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I have made a PDF form with barre code generation depending on each form fields.
I does works fine under Acrobat Pro 2020 in preview mode .
However , Barre Code refresh doesn't works with Acrobat Reader (even after exportation of the file through Save As Other / Reader exptended PDF / Enable More Tools).
Is it a way to fix it ?
Thanks in advance
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You cannot fix it since it's "by design". It's a feature, not a bug.
You must use a JavaScript code to create your own, or a text field using a barcode font.
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You cannot fix it since it's "by design". It's a feature, not a bug.
You must use a JavaScript code to create your own, or a text field using a barcode font.
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Thanks for your quick answer ! So I understand there is a way to avoid the limitation.
I would be interested if you have links about Javascript code concerning text field with barcode font management for Acrobat Reader .
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Search this forum, you will find many answers.
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Ok Thanks ! I investigate ...
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What type of barcode are you using?
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Ah, I see it's a QR code. In that case, no, it won't update in Reader, unless you set it up in a completely different way.
I've developed a method of doing it using plain form fields, so it works in Reader. If you're interested in such a tool (for a fee, of course), feel free to contact me privately to discuss it further.
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Thanks for your proposal. Unfortunalty , I can not justify fee from unreferenced tiers to my company . I am finally in touch with an Acobat Reader trainer ... who provide me javascript to generate QRCode . I understand that the script generate html tag "<img>" who contains the QR Code matrix information in it.
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Your screenshot (which I didn't see when I first replied) shows a Data Matrix code, which is different from a QR code.
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I am interested by the both topics "Data Matrix" and "QR Code" generation. "Barcode" field is a generic name I have seen in Acrobat Pro to mean either "DataMatrix" , "QRCode" ... or usual "Barcode". Unfortunalty ,it's why I introduced the confusion (Sorry) .