Create PDF Portfolio from Outlook email
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Plenty of other people seem to have this complaint (or variations there of). Since some are slightly different, and some are too olds, so I'll create a new post.
I've done this before, but it's not working anymore. I've sometimes had issue in the past, and have been able to fix it. Not this time.
I need to create a PDF Portfolio from a specific batch of Outlook emails. I use Search within Outlook to generate a list of emails I want in the Portfolio, then I highlight/select all those emails, I right click, then choose Convert to PDF. A pop-up window "Save Adobe PDF As" appears.
I can tell at this point the task has failed based on the suggested file name. If it choses a name for the Portfolio from the subject line of an email, it failed. Rather than creating a PDF of all the emails I selected, it will PDF only that one email, even if its not one that I selected.
I'm using Acrobat Pro 2020 and Microsoft 365 Outlook. I've tried the trick of unchecking/rechecking the box for the Acrobat PDFMaker add-in (as suggested by another post here).
I tried uninstalling & reinstalling Acrobat Pro (which was a mess that I will never do again). I chatted with Acrobat Tech Support who helped me (including running repains to both Acrobat and Office), but ultimately blamed it on Office and said I needed to contact Microsoft.
I chatted with Microsoft, but they said that Acrobat created the Add-In and Microsoft doesn't provide support for 3rd party apps.
Please help.
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To add more clarity on the problem, I created some screenshots to illustrate my relatively simple process. Please forgive the redactions and on-line blurriness.
Create PDF Portfolio from Outlook email
I've done this task successfully dozens of times before (maybe in the hundreds), but it's not working anymore. I've sometimes had issues in the past I've been able to fix. Not anymore.
I want/need to create a PDF Portfolio from a specific batch of Outlook emails.
Here is a redacted example of what a PDF Portfolio looks like:
My steps:
Starting within Outlook, I choose "Search" to generate a list of emails I want in the Portfolio.
I then highlight/select all the emails in that batch. I right click within that list, then choose “Convert to PDF” to convert this batch of emails to an Acrobat PDF Portfolio.
A pop-up window "Save Adobe PDF As" appears (see below). Here is where the process seems to break down: it seems like Microsoft Outlook and Acrobat Pro are not communicating with each other. I can tell at this point the task has failed based on the suggested “File name.” If it suggests a name for the Portfolio from the subject line of an email, it failed. Rather than creating a PDF of all the emails I selected, it will PDF only that one email, even if its not one that I selected.
Below on the right, you’ll see my search criteria and search results—the email batch I want in the PDF Portfolio. On the left is the Outlook inbox. Rather than focusing on (or calling) the list I created, the Convert to PDF “function” has reverted back to the top email in the email box which is not one that is in my selected list.
Ultimately, only 1 email end up in this PDF portfolio, and it’s not one that was in the selected batch:
I'm using Acrobat Pro 2020 and Microsoft 365 Outlook. I've tried the trick of unchecking/rechecking the box for the Acrobat PDFMaker add-in (as suggested by another post here).
I tried uninstalling & reinstalling Acrobat Pro (which was a mess that I will never do again). I chatted with Adobe Tech Support who tried to help me (including running repairs to both Acrobat and Office), but ultimately blamed it on Office and said I needed to contact Microsoft.
I chatted with Microsoft, but they said that Acrobat created the Add-In and Microsoft doesn't provide support for 3rd party apps.
I again tried to get help from Adobe, but after I showed then tech in chat the issue, he just disconnected without helping me. That happened twice--they can get away with that??
Please help!
I'm considering looking at another software package that claims to be able to successfully create these. If so, maybe we switch abandon Acrobat Pro altogether.
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As an update, I tested this on another device (desktop vs laptop)--same issue. I had a team mate test it--no error. She's using Outlook 2019 rather than Outlook 365. So I plan to roll my Outlook back and try it again.
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brinkmad1, I'm having this same issue. I saved an email folder contents to Convert to PDF. The converted file size was 27mb. Upon opening said file, only the 1st email showed, with a siz of 276Kb.
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Sidney-Invention, which version of Outlook are you running? I was able to get thru to Adobe Acrobat Level 2 tech who says its a Microsoft problem. He did say that if I was able to get Microsoft to respond, he would be open to a 3-way call or 3-way chat.
FYI, I started a similar chat in the Microsoft Community.
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I am success at saving multiple Outlook 365 emails into a PDF with a list of each email as a PDF. Each file you select in the list shows a preview below. My issue is that I accidentally created 2 different files of emails that I would now like to combine. I cannot figure it out. But first, how did I do it? I select the emails I want to add to the pdf, Go to File, (you are taken to the Account Information page), choose Save as Adobe PDF. Save it as the name you'd like and to the location you's like. You will end up with a PDF of PDFs. Each one is an email. Like I said, I came here to figure how to add PDFs to the main PDF I created. The emails are deleted unless I go to IT. I am NOT doing that. I work for one of the largest employers in NM. Not happening. When I go to tools, everything is greyed out. Help.
See document attached for how I added multiple emails to a PDF with a list of emails. Thanks!
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