Customising electronic signatures
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I need to create a signature that has no more than a 3-year expiry. I also need the signature/certificate that also include a public and private key.
> Is this possible with Adobe Pro?
I have tried to create the signature but it always has a 5-year expiry and it does not seem to have a public key that I can export and send.
Thank you for any help.
PS if it helps the signature/certificate is required for the FDA.
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How does you create the signature?
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If you are creating a "Self-Sign" Certificate using Adobe Acrobat, you have no control over the expiration date. If you absolutely need a certificate with a three-year expiration, you'll need to purchase one from a 3rd party vendor. That said, you can export a public key from a Self-Sign Certificate, or any other certificate by selecting Preferences, Signatures, then press the More button under Identities and Trusted Certificates.
However, the FDA may not accept a certificate created by you via Adobe Acrobat DC. I certainly wouldn't. There is no mechanism in Acrobat that verifies that you are, in fact, who you claim to be. Acrobat can only create a Class 1 certificate. You're probably better off getting more details as to the class level of a certificate the FDA will accept and use a vendor that supplies those. Be prepared to be annoyed. The validation process can be cumbersome.
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Thanks! Appreciate your input.
Sounds like the Adobe signature is not going to cut it <sigh>.
PS: already annoyed beyond (still smiling though)
Thank you again!
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I followed the directions posted by Joel...
"you can export a public key from a Self-Sign Certificate, or any other certificate by selecting Preferences, Signatures, then press the More button under Identities and Trusted Certificates."
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Once in the "Digital ID and Trusted Certificate Settings" dialog, select a certificate and hit "Export". You can then either email it or save it to a local file.
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Hi Joel. I have tried that approach. It does not give me the option to export the public key (or not private key) but directs to give it a file name.
I ws following instruactions on how to obtain the public key as a file but when i try it does not give me the step to choose. It may have something to do with not being able to run the programs/settings as an admin.
Thank you for your efforts.
Oh well. Looks like I am going to have to buy a subscription from a Certificate Authority.
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That's what exporting does. It saves the public key to a file that you can then share with others. They'd import the .FDF file into their copy of Acrobat.
Full instructions and an explanation is here
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