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Digital signature is not showing in my PDF

New Here ,
May 30, 2022 May 30, 2022

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I have a PDF document which is saved on our server (I also made a copy on my computer in case) which includes a digital signatures from someone else and when,in Adobe Reader DC, I open it I don't see the signature, If I print the document the signatures is there and prints.  If I open with another PDF reader software, the signatures appears no problem.  To make matters even more strange if I log out and log in as aother user (same machine, not admin ) the signature shows up when opened in Adobe Reader DC. 


This problem (signature not showing) is on 3 of my 7 machines ( none loged in as admin) in the office.  I brought the file home on my personal PC and go the same result (no signature but prints).


I looked at all the preference and there identical on a PC that showes signature as the one not showing.


Can anyone explaine this to me and how I can see the signatures, it's important to make sure the documents are signed inmy business.



General troubleshooting , Security digital signatures and esignatures




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Advocate ,
May 31, 2022 May 31, 2022

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Is it possible to share one such signed PDF for analysis? If not, would it be possible to ask the source of those signed PDFs to provide a signed PDF with dummy contents?




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Adobe Employee ,
May 31, 2022 May 31, 2022

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Hi Louis,


As mentioned above, the digital signature is not visible on some of your computers. However, it appears on a few of them with the same application. 

Would it be possible to share the sample PDF with us so we can replicate the behavior? You may share it in a private message. To initiate a private message, use the envelope icon provided at the top right corner.

Please share the Acrobat Reader DC and OS version on the machines. Also, check if your version for both is the same on the devices where the signature is visible.

When you open the PDF, open the left-hand panes and select signatures. See if the signature information is visible there. Check the screenshot below for reference:

MeenakshiNegi_0-1653989543753.pngexpand image


Let us know if you have any questions.








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