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Hello there, I'm trying my hand at what seems like a simple calculation. I got things to work from searching google as I do not know javascript. I can send the form if needed but this is what I have as far as numbers. I can also share the codes I've put in so far.
Ln 5 (Amount2) is a number entered by the user (format as number no digits).
Ln 6 (Amount3) is a number entered by user (Same as above)
Ln 7 (Amount4) is code to subtract Ln 6 from Ln 5. So if nothing is in Ln 6 then it basically carries it down.
Ln 8 (Perc1) is a % entered by user (formated as number to no digits) either 12 or 09 percent
Ln 9 (Amount5) is the Ln7 times Ln8.
var Amount4 = getField("Amount4").value;
var Perc1 = getField("Perc1").value;
var Percentage = Perc1 / 100;
event.value = Amount4 * Percentage;
Ln9 (Amount5) is no decimals but I realize it needs formatted or a custom format to make it read a rounded whole number for the other fields
Ln10 (Perc2) is a % entered by user between 0 & 100 percent. Formatted as number with 1 decimal
Ln11 (Amount6) is the calculation for Ln9 times Ln10 and is rounded to the nearest dollar.
var Amount5 = getField("Amount5").value;
var Perc2 = getField("Perc2").value;
ar Percentage = Perc2 / 100;
event.value = Amount5 * Percentage;
I can't get line 9 and line 11 to round to the nearest dollar when calculated. I tried using
event.value = Math.round(Amount6) at the end of the above script.
If Ln9 calculates as 169.83 it should show as 170 and then Ln 10 would multiply that by 75% making Ln11 127.5 rounded to 128.
If Ln11 calculated to 127.4 then I need it to round down to 127.
I know part is the way the Ln9 is formatted. I think I need a specific format.
If it helps this is a tax form.
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You have to be careful with the calculations and formatting.
The field format script does not change the value of the field. It changes how the field is displayed to the user. The value remains the same no matter what is displayed.
So if you want the field value to be rounded, then the rounding has to be part of the calculation.
For example, the calculation for Line9 should look like this
var Amount4 = getField("Amount4").value;
var Perc1 = getField("Perc1").value;
var Percentage = Perc1 / 100;
event.value = Math.round(Amount4 * Percentage);
See this article for more information:
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Great, thank you I will look at those and reply if I have issues. 🙂