Hi team,
We have the pdf with default page rotation as 90 degree, however we tried to change the rotation of the PDF by folowwing the below steps, the file size is drastically increased.
Please help us to reduce the file size with Rotation set to zero by default
Steps we followed to rotate the file :
Tools required – Adobe Acrobat Standard, Adobe Acrobat Distiller and PDF Xchange Editor.
1. Convert to PostScript (ps) format:
- Open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Standard (Please keep two copies of the original PDF file).
- Save the file as a PostScript (ps) file. This file will be used later to create a new PDF with 0% rotation.
2. Create PDF setting file:
- Open Adobe Distiller.
- Go to Settings -> Edit Adobe PDF Settings.
- In the settings, ensure:
- Auto-Rotate Pages is set to Off.
- Page Size matches the original PDF.
- Click Save As and give the file a descriptive name (e.g., "ZeroRotation.joboptions"). This file defines the settings for creating a new PDF with 0% rotation.
3. Generate New PDF with 0% Rotation:
- Open Adobe Distiller again.
- Go to Settings -> Add Adobe PDF Settings and select the joboptions file you just created (e.g., "ZeroRotation.joboptions").
- Go to File -> Open and select the PostScript (ps) file from step 1.
- This will create a new PDF with 0% rotation, but the form fields will be flattened (not editable).
4. Replace Pages in Original PDF:
- Open the original PDF file in “PDF Xchange Editor”.
- Go to Organize -> Replace Pages.
- Select the new PDF file generated in step 3 (flattened with 0% rotation).
- Click OK. This replaces the pages in the original PDF with the new ones, keeping the 0% rotation but causing the form fields to appear incorrect order.
5. Rotate Form Fields with Javascript:
- Go to Form -> JavaScript Console.
- Paste the following code into the console:
var box = getPageBox();
var w = box[2] - box[0];
var h = box[1] - box[3];
for(i=0; i<numFields; i++)
var f = getField(getNthFieldName(i));
var orig = f.rect;
f.rect = [orig[3], h-orig[0], orig[1], h-orig[2]];
f.rotation = 0;
- Click the Run button. This will rotate the form fields 90 degrees to match the 0% rotation of the document.