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fix footer on first page of form

New Here ,
Feb 28, 2024 Feb 28, 2024

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I have a form with two master pages, the first has a header, content and footer and the second has a header and content part (the header is different from the first page). This footer must only appear on the first page, without repeating on the others and be able to break the page in case of very long text (or have a dynamic size, where it is possible to increase and decrease according to the size of the text). The problem I'm having is that leaving the footer on the master page does not allow line wrapping and when I leave the "expand to fit" option checked, it ends up "cutting" the field, as it expands downwards and there is no more space. I would like to know how, if any, I could be resolving this problem?


The current structure is:

- Master pages
- Subform header
- Content area
- Subform footer

In the footer subform:
- Text (title of 'block')
- Table with 1 line
- Line1
- Table with 1 line
- Line1
- Two tables:
- Table 1: Header line and body line,
- Header line: field title
- Body line: footer text field
- Table 2: Header line and body line,
- Header line: field title
- Body line: footer text field




I'm from Brazil, so the writing is in Portuguese.


I'm using adobe livecycle designer for adobe forms in sap (transaction sfp)



Paola F.

How to , PDF






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