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Hello everybody
I've reviewed the forums and have also been in touch with Adobe Support on this directly. But no solution as of yet. Would be grateful for any guidance.
I've just purchased Acrobat DC because I wanted to be able to edit PDFs. The file that I am trying edit is using the font: "Officina Sans ITC Book".
However when I try to edit text in the file, it automatically defaults to a different font (Minion Pro) and a message pops up
"The original font Officina Sans ITC Book is not available or can't be used in editing. Adobe Acrobat DC is using the font Minion Pro in its place."
To resolve this, I purchased the "Officina Sans ITC Book" font package and downloaded it to my computer. It's working fine when I try to use it in Word. However, I still can't use it in Acrobat.
In the Adobe Distiller settings, the font is listed there as "always embed" under the "font settings".
Does anybody have any ideas? My company always use this font, so I need to find a way around this.
Thanks for your help
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Hi there,
Just come across this issue myself. Found a resolve, not sure if this will work for everyone. I was trying to edit a PDF that was using the Calibri font which I didn't have on my macbook. I then went and downloaded it using an external website but I couldn't use in it Acrobat. Acrobat uses fonts from 'Adobe Fonts' since the newest CC update. I found and downlaoded the font on Adobe Fonts and its now working.
Hope this helps
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Find your font on:
Make sure you are logged in.
Toggle "activate all fonts", once you've found the font you need.
Close all of Adobe products.
Make sure you are logged into creative cloud.
Restrart your PDF then finally try to edit your PDF again.
This worked for me! Good luck.
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PDF editing is a desperate last resort and if these are company documents you should always find and edit the original but if that is absolutely impossible ( eg deleted, and backups eaten by termites) I have an idea...are you able to select the text then change it to that font (the same name but that would be the one in your computer - or to some other font and back again?
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Thanks for your input. Sorry, but I don't follow the suggestion. When I try to edit any text in the document, I am unable to select the "Officina Sans ITC Book" option. It appears at the bottom of the drop down list of fonts, but is grey and "frozen out" - and can not be selected.
I'm looking at it again and it seems like the issue is that I have installed "OfficinaSansITCStd Book" installed, whereas the font I needed is "Officina Sans ITC Book".
I guess they must be different fonts! Very annoying. Will look into it.
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Often fonts change over time and the old ones are unobtainable. That's why I suggested CHANGING the font to the new one. It's likely to be very similar.
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I am having the same problem. How do I change the font to the new one?
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Sorry, tried that. Doesn't work.
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I am having the same issue. Our college uses Myriad Pro Regular. I could edit this same document last year before my computer was updated this summer. Now I'm having this issue and I don't see any fix on this so far.
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Having same issue. Did a recent Creative Cloud update and although Acrobat wasn't in the update, I now cannot type with Open Sans Condensed on the document that I just typed with that font in Acrobat last week. It's not just this font either. Word types with it fine, Fontbook says the font is fine. Acrobat will actually edit the text of the first line of my old document in Open Sans Condensed until I hit a carriage return then it gives me that same error message that the original font is not available and using Geneva in its place. Very odd that font won't work. I downloaded a version of the font and re-installed, even changed the name of it, but to no use. Stuck in font prison and can't text my way out. Send help.
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Ever get a fix? I have the same issue. I have a PDF that I have to fill out 3 times (slightly different) every 2 weeks. Most of the info is the same. We just edit dates and times in about 30 different locations. I get, "The origianl font Arial is not available or can't be used in editing. Adobe Acrobat is using the fong Z@R9366.tmp in its place." Then instead of an actual font I have just squares.
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Not fix found yet. Frustrating
[moderator deleted phone number]
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Same problem, pitty there is no sulotion found yet.
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Having same issue. This needs to be resolved. Adobe Support are you listening?
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Hey why Adobe can not resolve this? I need to edit the document in the same font as the original document but I can't. same issue.
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Same problem here. i have downloaded and enabled the fonts. still not working
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Same problem! Would love a response. I've downloaded and installed the fonts, verified them, and they work fine in word, but if I have to do a last minute word change in a pdf...can't do it. Have to go back to the designer/original to get this simple thing done. Costs time.
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I just had this problem and found this thread. I went to and downloaded the font pack, Unzipped it and installed by dragging and dropping the files to Settings > Personalisation > Fonts
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Hi there,
Just come across this issue myself. Found a resolve, not sure if this will work for everyone. I was trying to edit a PDF that was using the Calibri font which I didn't have on my macbook. I then went and downloaded it using an external website but I couldn't use in it Acrobat. Acrobat uses fonts from 'Adobe Fonts' since the newest CC update. I found and downlaoded the font on Adobe Fonts and its now working.
Hope this helps
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This solution worked for me as well
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I'm also having this issue.
What's particularly annoying is that the problem nearly always is with fonts fetched from Adobe Fonts. It nearly always changes them to Geneva when editing and typing over an existing document.
I wonder if this is an OpenType or TrueType issue? TTF seems to work ok.
I'm on Mac. Tried unsyncing and resyncing fonts with no luck.
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It happens equally with any fonts obtained from anywhere. You would think that Adobe would have gone to the trouble of resolving this for their paying customers after so many years of this issue existing.
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Do the exact fonts exist on your system? I have this only with documents that have not been created by me recently on my machine.
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If you are not seeing the fonts in your applications (Acrobat, photoshop etc).
Go to Creative Cloud app > Preferences> Service > Adobe Fonts and turn Font off and then back on and it will sync
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Same issue as everyone else. I am experienceing the same exact thing as @editbreath. It will allow me to edit one word but the second I move to another box it defualts to Geneva with the error message. Its ridiculous how many people have complained about this same issue and there still hasn't been a solid resolution. HELLO ADOBE?! ANYONE THERE?!
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This actually worked for me. I had added Garamond in Adobe fonts, exited out of all applications, with no dice. Then did this resync and now Garamond isn't greyed out on Acrobat, so easy but so so so stupid. Thank you for the guidance.
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This just worked for me too!