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Form field font size not matching the settings

New Here ,
May 02, 2024 May 02, 2024

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I have have a problem I cannot figure out: I have set all my form fields to be 9pt Arial, there is no character limit on any field, nor the characters are surpassing the width of any field. Yet when I fill out the fields, some have bigger letters, some smaller. I am at complete loss why it is happening, and coudn't find any solution for it.  Did it happen to any of you and could you help me to figure out why is it like this?

Here you can see that for example the "i amb domicili a" field has small letters, but "Pis/porta" has much bigger letters:


Thank You in advance!

PDF forms






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Community Expert ,
May 02, 2024 May 02, 2024

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Where (in which application) are you filling it in?

Can you share the file with us?






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New Here ,
Aug 13, 2024 Aug 13, 2024

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@annab44913147 - did you happen to find a solution to your problem?  I am having a similar problem.


I am working with a PDF form published by a different organization, and I have a program that fills in the form fields.

The published PDF form has all fields set to "Helvetica" for the font face and "Auto" for the font size.

In my program, using a 3rd party library, I want to change the font size to 9pt, leaving the font face as "Helvetica"


When my program runs, and I download the processed document from my application, the text still appears as "AUTO" when viewing the document in Adobe Acrobat Reader.  However, when I edit the form using Adobe Acrobe Professional, and I view the properties of one of the problemmatic form fields, the form field properties shows a 9pt font size for the form field. 


The Adobe Acrobe Reader seems to be ignoring the form field's font size property.


I am wondering if there is something with the order of operations here.  If I have to set the form field's font size first before setting the text value of the form field.   But that almost leans more into a problem with the 3rd party library that I am using.


I recognize my use case could be different from yours, and could also be an issue with the 3rd party library that I am using, but I was curious if you ever found a solution to your issue.








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