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I have built a form in Acrobat PRO and I will be using tracking to collect responses once forms are submitted. I have distributed the forms - saved locally and sent with my own email client - and the recipients are able to fill in, but not submit their completed forms - they are getting an error message: "At least one required field is empty....", even though their are no required fields empty.
The form has a few different types of fields (date, signature, dropdown, etc) that are required, two radio buttons that are not required, and a few check boxes and a lasrge text box that is not required. I have two buttons as well: A "Reset" button to reset the form (as people may need to submit the form more than once for themselves) and a "Submit" button to send the responses to the tracked file.
My license is purchased through an Enterprise Agreement and I am suspicious that there is a security layer that is preventing my staff from being able to submit the form ... so aside from any other solutions, can anyone advise how I might check any of those security settings in Pro? my IT department says they are unable to provide program specific support. Many organizations similar to mine use PDF forms for the identical purpose and they are functional - this is making me crazy... help please?
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Is the message highlighting a field like it says?
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The required fields are all highlighted - and are all filled in...
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To troubleshoot, run the following script in the console:
for(var i = this.numFields - 1; i > -1; i--)
var fieldName = this.getNthFieldName(i);
if(this.getField(fieldName).type!="button" && this.getField(fieldName).required==true)
{console.println(fieldName+" value:"+this.getField(fieldName).value)}
It should give you a list of all required fields and their values. If the value after the colon is blank, you will know that field is not filled in.
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SyntaxError: missing ) after condition
That make any sense?
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I corrected the error. Try again.
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I get somthing weird - "Group1 value:Off", but I donb't have a field with that name?
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Group1 sounds like a radio button. Not selected value would be "Off". Check the fields panel for that field name.
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The radio button group has a name - and isn't marked as a required field... but I do under stand that the nature of a radio button is that one of them needs to be selected - so in trying to work around this issue I tried checkboxes fro the smae question in the form - no change in the result...
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Is there a field named Group1?
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UPDATE! THere is a Group of Radio buttons visible when I list the fields alphabectially - but they disappear when I list them in Tab order... I can delete them but then they REAPPEAR when I toggle back to alpha view... what whichcraft is this!
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Can you post the form?
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ummmmm... not really - I could edit out some of the content and post that though...
I'm going to rebuild it and see if I can create it without the ghost buttons, see if that works...
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The required property doesn't check if the field is filled-in. It checks that its current value is not the same as its default value. So if you've created a text field with a default value of "John" and set it as required, it will fail the submit form validation if the user left it as "John". They will have to change it to something else, even to be empty, for it to be considered "filled in".
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None of the fields in the form have default inputs...
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