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Hello, I have an excel spreadsheet that I have turned into a form with Adobe Acrobat Pro that has a qty field, a price field and a total field, among others. I have set the total field to automatically calculate to the product of the Qty field and price field, which works fine. The issue is that by default it displays a zero (or actually, $0.00, since I have it formatted to price), and so if people print out the form to fill it out manually, they have to cross out the zero.
Is custom javascript the only way to get the field to be conditionally hidden or non-printable? If not, can you tell me a better method? If so, can you point me to an example of this that works? I can provide screenshots if necessary.
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As the custom validation script of the field enter this:
if (event.value==0) event.value = "";
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As the custom validation script of the field enter this:
if (event.value==0) event.value = "";
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PS. In the future you'll be better off posting questions about Acrobat in the Acrobat forums, like this one: PDF Forms
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I cannot get any of these formulas to work. The 0 still shows up no matter what. I've removed the currency symbol and still have the issue
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Post an example PDF of your attempt to get this to work.
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So I finally got it working. Pretty ridiculous but if you put the calculation in before adding the script it will not work. I had to add the script first, and then the formula and then the format for $. Any other order results in the 0 showing on the form.
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So did you read the posted article? It is not a good idea to use both built in formatting and a script to adjust formatting. But if you do not provide us with the details of what you are trying to do we can not help you to do it correctly. And it does not seem you are doing it correctly, which can lead to undesired results.
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Ok I see that now. I had it working but now when I type anything into an unrelated field, it changes all 8 calculated cells to $0.00
How would you suggest to make a formula for my total cost cell. Basically it is a quote form, and the final text field in each row is a calculated product of two other cells. I want it to show the $ and two decimal places but I also want it to remain blank if the value is $0.00. The quote form is 8 rows, but if you just put values in the first row and print it, everything else remains blank.
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So first, read this article:
Use the Format script example for your form.
If there are still issues, post your form with the code you think should be working and we'll take a look at it.
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This isn't working for me. I also have my field formatted to dollar figure. My field's name is ClosingBalance.
I'm inserting
if (event.value==0) event.value = "";
in the "Run custom validation script" box.
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Post your question to a new thread
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Were you able to get the custom validation script to work with the field being formated with the currency symbol ($0.00)? I am having the same trouble. I can get it to work if I remove the currency symbol. I don't know much about JavaScript.
Does something else need to be included in the script?
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Do you have a default value set as 0 for the field? That was my issue.
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I do not. The only properties I have are:
Custom validation script, if (event.value==0) event.value="";
Calculation is product of, QTY Row 1, UNIT PRICE R1
The custom validation script will work as long as I change the currency symbol to NONE, but really need this column to be a currency and not just numeric with decimal.
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So on my Options tab, there is Default Value. Make sure there's no value in there.
The rest "should" work. Decimal places 2, currency symbol.
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This is close to the problem I'm having. I have estimated days of inventory on hand (Text53) as a calculation. Quantity on Hand (Text52) divided by Daily Usage (Text51). So in the simplified field notation I have: Text52/Text51. Only problem is I get errors when I set properties on Text53 to number. I get Java errors. (The Value entered does not match the format of the field [ Text53] So I leave it at none but then it keeps putting NaN in the cell if a number was entered and then cleared. When I clear the form the NaN stays there. I'd like it to go to blank if anything or 0.
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You will get NaN when you divide by zero.
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So how do you get it display blank instead of NaN?
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Use Javascript for the calculation.
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Thank you. I'm still unclear. In the Calculate form properties? Currently is is in simplified field notation: Text52/Text 51. You are saying to use the custom calculation script instead? And what would that Java look like?
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First, you've written that the name of the divisor field is "Text 51". Is this correct? if it is, then the simplified field notation will not work as written anyway. It doesn't like spaces in field name.
Here's a calculation script that sets the field to blank if
var nDivisor = Number(this.getField("Text 51").value);
if(nDivisor == 0)
event.value = "";
event.value = this.getField("Text 52").value/nDivisor;
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Here's an article that discusses this topic in detail:
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Type this script into the DEFAULT VALUE box on the OPTION tab (not the RUN CUSTOM VALIDATION SCRIPT on the VALIDATE tab) . This fixed the issue for me.
if (event.value==0) event.value = ""
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That is not possible. You must have a script somewhere else that works for you.