How can I reorder Form Fields so that the user can use the TAB key to move systematically through the document?
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While creating a job application form, I used copy & paste several times because several fields were similar. My form has a few areas where, if the user decides to use the TAB key to move from one field to the next (instead of clicking in the field), the input jumps around instead of progressing to the next unfilled field to the right. When we add a field, it shows up with a number in its "Name" field in the General tab. I changed the name of these to fit the category I was creating (references, references phone number, references company name...). I would like to have the form react to the TAB key by activating field entry from left to right, top to bottom.
Do I have to start over or is there a way to change the order of fields that are not sequenced as desired?
Thank you!
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Dear Johnny
By default, Acrobat DC shows the fields sorted by Tab Order = Order Tab Unspecified.
To make working with fields easier, click Tab Order and choose Show Tab Number. This way you see the sequence of the fields on the PDF form page.
To fix your fields, make sure you're using the Sort By > Tab Order option to show the Tab Order settings.
If you want to make any changes, click Tab Order > Order Tabs Manually.
You can order fields based on the structure, rows, or columns. For most forms, click Tab Order and choose Order Tabs by Structure as Acrobat DC does a good job of ordering for you.
If you want to change the order manually, click and drag the field in the Fields pane.
You'll see the field's number change on the page.
Once you're done organizing, click Preview and press the TAB key to move through your form.
I hope this helps
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When I try to hold and drag the fields to a different order, nothing will move. I've tried also moving other items below the current one and that won't work either. Any ideas on how to fix this or manually re-order fields instead of creating the form again in the exact order needed?
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Did you choose the two settings mentioned in the earlier reply?
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Following messiage is important:
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Yes, I followed those two steps and see numbers on my fields in the main page area. When trying to click/drag in the right pane, it still doesn't work. Can I manually change those numbered fields instead of drag/move?
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I removed those settings and re-activated them and now I can move fields. Solved, and thanks!