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How to enable mouse wheel autoscroll?

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Dec 01, 2021 Dec 01, 2021

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Someone asked a similar question 1.5 years ago and I wanted to see if there was any update to this: https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/mouse-autoscrolling/m-p/11128736


The issue is this: I use a Logitech mouse with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. When I press and hold down (long press) the mouse wheel button scrolling works. As long as the mouse wheel button is pressed down, scrolling works. The moment I release the mouse wheel button scrolling no longer works. 


But on Google Chrome and Microsoft Word for example, all I have to do is press the mouse wheel button once and I will still be able to scroll the document by simply moving my mouse up and down. I do not have to continuously press and hold down the mouse wheel button. But on Acrobat, I have to continuously hold down the mouse wheel button for scrolling to work which is inconvenient and a bit annoying and also stressing on my hands. 


Is there a feature for scrolling to work after one click of the mouse wheel button without having to hold it down continuously? Please note that I am NOT talking about autoscrolling (ctrl+shift+h), I just want to be able to scroll without having to hold down the mouse wheel button. This should be an easy feature for Adobe to implement if it isn't already a feature.





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Explorer ,
Oct 29, 2023 Oct 29, 2023

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Hi e,

I have exactly the same problem as you and find it really annoying, I notice bill on the link you posted sent a request to Adobe to look at this 3 1/2 years ago, they have done nothing at all, just wondering if anyone else has any solution at all to this. Thanks for raising it again e, not that Adobe will do anything about it of course🤣.





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