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Hello! I am creating a PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro and want to be able to insert a signature field that you must use a certificate to sign. The "digital signature field" allows candidates to draw a signature in, which we can't allow. I've seen a ton of government forms that do this (attached an example of a publically available government form that does this), but I haven't been able to recreate it myself.
I also know that under the Certificates tool you can insert a certificate signature somewhere on the PDF, but I would like it to be mandated as well as the default setting when someone clicks on the signature box.
Quick note, in order for the example I uploaded to reflect the intended behavior, you have to view it in Adobe, not a browser!
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You must use a digital signature form field:
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe
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You must use a digital signature form field:
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe
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The suggestion does not work. It instead provides a text box where someone can simply type in their signature. It does NOT create a certifate with a time stamp. I also cannot find how to do this on my forms.
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You must add a signature form field.
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I did add a signature form field, and it creates a form field entitled signature but it doesn't have the same properties of a real certificate signature. And you can't change it to what i need in the properties either. It appears to be related to the origin of the docuemnt. I have a pdf that originated in Nitro 10 Pro and it's signature fields are the ones I need, the certificate one. I had another pdf that originated from Word and its signature fields are not the ones I need. They behave more like a text box even though they are entitled a signature box. I believe it is an oversight in Microsoft's coding. See below for the real fix.
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I found a solution! It appears that the certificate option is not a default option in my case possibly because I converted a word document to a PDF. The signature form field would not allow a certificate signature, just a normal field that behaved just like a normal text box really. I have a different pdf from a bank which does allow me to create signatrue form fields with a certifcate. It's in the same place on the left bar as the other signature form field with my converted word doc, except that it produce a form field with a certificate. The only workaround I found was I had to click on the small tool bar to the left, its like a shortcut bar with only about 4 options on it that are symbols. I clicked on the "..." at the bottom, and it gave me the option to "customize tool bar". I selected that option. Then I scrolled down to "prepare a form", opened up its options, and there was the option to add "Digital signature" which was the same title as the digital signature i already had that wasn't working but the symbol was like the digital signature from the bank PDF that was working. So i clicked the "+" to add it to the toolbar and it works! When i click on it as a user, not an editor, it pops up a box asking me to add a certicate signature with a time stamp, just like I wanted.
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Here 's pic of what I mean. The certificate signatrue field will have a small red strip at the top, as a symbol of what signature labels look like on a real titling or legal document you sign in person. The other signature field that wasn't working is at the bottom, and it simply lets the person type their name and that's it. It isn't official.
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thanks for the detailed explaination!
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This worked. Thank you for finding a solution. I don't know why this was such a challenge to find.
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This is beautiful, thank you for providing a detailed explanation!!
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You must create a Acrobat form, not a Adobe Sign form.
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Bernd Alheit is correct.
In order to do this, before you "Create form" from your PDF, you have to ensure that "Auto-detect form field is OFF".
If its on, click on "Change" and deselect "Automatically detect Form Fields" from the "General" section.
Then in Prepare a form, add form components will have the "E-signature field"
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Things have changed in the last two years, you must use a "Digital Signature" field instead of a "Signature" field:
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe