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I have combined several pages into one pdf Binder. Although all the pages were built on 8.5 x 11 inch paper, inside the combined pdf they are different sizes on the scree. How can I achieve continuity between all the page sizes?
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Print to Adobe PDF with "fit" (uncheck from "actual size") in print settings.
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You can do this with Acrobat Pro.
Go to Tools> Print Production> Prefilght> FixUps (blue wrench icon)> Pages.
Select Scale pages to specified size
Go to the little fly-out menu and duplicate the prefilght, give it a new name.
Click on Edit, to change the desired final trim size and the method used to get to this size (scale, white border, etc.)
Click on Fix to apply the change.
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I answered you on the French pdf forum, but if you come more frequently on this one, here is what I suggest to you.
Run the attached script from the Acrobat Pro console.
// Indiquer la marge (mm)
var marge=10;
var mm2pt=72/25.4;
var margin=marge*mm2pt;
var aRect=this.getPageBox("Crop");
var nbPages=this.numPages;
var Chemin=this.path;
var CheminSansExtension=Chemin.substring(0,Chemin.length-4);
for (var p=0; p<nbPages; p++) {
cDIPath: Chemin,
nSourcePage: p,
nStart: nbPages,
nEnd: nbPages,
nVertValue: ((margin*2)-aRect[1])*p,
this.saveAs(CheminSansExtension+" (en 1 page).pdf");
You have to indicate in the script the printing margin because I don't know how do that via JavaScript and I think it is not possible (if anyone knows...).
I hope this will help you.
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I'm sorry to come back several months after the last reply, but I haven't had a connection all this time.
I really thank bebarth because your script works great, I had a hard time using the Adobe Acrobat DC console, but now I know how!
I'm sticking the procedure here if it can help other people.
1) Open the pdf with Adobe Acrobat DC
2) Click on "Tools" located at the top right
3) Click on "JavaScript" located at the bottom of the right column.
4) Click on the "Debugger" button located on the top banner.
5) Copy / paste the script in the console.
6) Select the whole script (CTRL + A) and (IMPORTANT AND MANDATORY) Press the "Enter" key on the numeric keypad!
If you press the Alphabetical "Enter" key it will not work !!!
To activate the console:
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Je propose de prendre le problème dans l'autre sens :
1. Utiliser la fonction de Firefox/Chrome qui permet de capturer une page web entière (au format PNG).
2. Utiliser Acrobat Pro pour convertir la capture PNG en PDF, avec reconnaissance de caractères.
Sinon, sur Mac on peut utiliser l'indispensable Paparazzi! qui permet de convertir directement une page web entière en PDF :
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Bonjour JR Boulay,
Merci pour votre réponse, mais ça ne va pas, car après avoir fait une capture de qualité avec la fonction de Firefox que vous indiquez, j'ouvre Acrobat dc, je choisis de créer un nouveau fichier pdf à partir d'un fichier, je sélectionne donc le fichier image de la capture, jusque là tout va bien mais quand je clique sur "Outils" > "Modifier le fichier PDF"
à partir de la l'OCR d’Acrobat DC se met en marche pour reconnaitre le texte, mais une fois terminé, toutes les images du fichier pdf sont très détériorés ainsi que le texte..
Je voudrais mettre en piece jointe le pdf fait avec votre méthode et celui fait avec le script de "bebarth" ainsi que la capture, mais je ne sais pas comment faire..
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Par défaut Acrobat Pro a tendance à bousiller les images lors de la conversion en PDF et lors de la reconnaissance de caractères, mais ça se règle (à deux endroits donc) :
- Préférences : Convertir vers PDF : PNG : choisir la compression ZIP ou JPEG2000 SANS PERTE
- Reconnaissance de caractères : Options (ou Réglages) : choisir le type de sortie IMAGE INDEXABLE (EXACTE)
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My apologies for all these months of silence!
Thank you very much for the picture quality settings, it's really better, there is still a slight loss of quality, but too bad. Last question, do you know how to extract an image from a pdf file?
All the solutions that I have found on the internet are generally not very convincing.
Thank you
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Toutes mes excuses pour tous ces mois de silences !
Merci beaucoup pour les réglages de qualité d'image, c'est vraiment mieux, il y a encore une légère perte de qualité, mais tant pis. Dernière question, savez-vous comment faire pour extraire une image d'un fichier pdf ?
Toutes les solutions que j'ai trouvé sur internet ne sont en général pas très convaincantes..
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Clic-droit sur l'image avec l'outil Edition : Modifier avec : Photoshop (ou autre).
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Merci !!!! ^^
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Hello all. Is there a way in Acrobat to combine two portrait-oriented PDF pages into one landscape-oriented page; like if you take two 8 1/2" x 11" pieces of paper, oriented vertically and put them side-by-side to make one 17" x 11", combined piece?
Thanks for any feedback!
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You can use following plugin:
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My original hardcopy documents were printed on both sides of the page. They were scanned face up into one pdf file, then all pages in the whole document were turned over and the other side was scanned into a second pdf file. So I have one pdf file containing page 1, page 3, page 5 etc, and another pdf file containing page 2, page 4, page 6 etc. Is there some simple way to combine these into a single file with consecutive pages, or do I have to do it the hard way, extracting one page at a time and then inserting one page at a time?
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I've developed a (paid-for) tool exactly for this purpose. It allows you to do it in seconds.
You can find it here:
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Hello everyone,
I've tried to search for an answer to this question, but I'm having no luck. I'm hoping someone in this community might be able to point me in the right direction.
We have 2 different PDF files, each with 100 pages - numbered from 1-100. I'm trying to merge the document, but keep the sequence. So we would have page 1 from the first PDF, followed by page 1 from the 2nd PDF file and so on.
I know how to combine files, but when combining it would put all 100 pages in together. We have a really painful work around in Indesign, but I'm thinking there must be an easier method? I'm only using 100 pages as an example, I could manually drag them into place - but if we had 5000 pages that would take forever.
Look forward to your feedback - thank you!
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Are the pages in order in both files? In other words, does one file contain the even pages from the merged file and the other the odd pages, in sequential order? If so, then you can use this (paid-for) tool I've developed to merge them with ease:
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I converted an old, disintegrating scrapbook into digital images, with the goal of turning it into a PDF.
Because of the size of the project, it seemed best to break the task into creating three 'Section' PDFs and then combine them all into one Master PDF.
It took me several tedious hours to painstakingly, manually number the pages in the three Section PDFs, this particular way:
Section 1 PDF is numbered thusly:
Picture of of page 1
Page 1 item 1
Page 1 item 2
Picture of page 2
Page 2 item 1
Page 2 item 2, etc.
Section 2 PDF is numbered thusly:
Picture of of page 3
Page 3 item 1
Page 3item 2
Picture of page 4
Page 4 item 1
Page 4 item 2, etc.
Section 3 PDF is numbered thusly:
Picture of of page 5
Page 5 item 1
Page 5 item 2
Picture of page 6
Page 6 item 1
Page 6 item 2, etc.
But when I try to append the Section 2 and Section 3 PDFs to Section 1, the Section 1 numbering is retained only up to the end of Section 1 ("Page 6 Item 2"). After that, Sections 2 and 3 manual page numbers get destroyed: all the rest of the appended section pages are renumbered to, "Page 6 item 3, Page 6 item 4, page 6 item 5" etc. ad infinitum to "page 6 item 24".
What am i doing wrong...?
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You've mentioned
But in the Page Label (page numbering) dialog box, there are only Pages and sections.
I don't know know what you mean by items or pictures. A screenshot would really help. Or even better yet, several screenshots, one of each of your three "Section" PDFs.
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Originally I wanted to know how to make a Javascript to combine page 1 from document 1, with pages 1-2 from from document 2, and so on, to the end of the respective files, but I've found my situation is more complicated.
My organization is basically a large retail supply organization, we receive hundreds to thousands of orders on a daily basis. There is one Transfer Order document, and 3 copies of the Release Document. As it stands, the system we use generates the TO's separately from the RD's, and people manually combine them after they're printed using a Delivery Number that is on each document. When the documents are generated, there is an archive file of TO PDF's, with a maximum of 200 pages per file, and there is an archive of RD PDF's, with a max page count of 400(the system only generates 2 of each release doc, we get creative with the print properties to get 3 of each). We typically combine the TO PDF's together, then in a separate process combine the RD PDF's for validation purposes. One of the main issues we run into is that there isn't always a TO for an RD, and there isn't always an RD for a TO, so automatically combining the smaller PDF files results in mismatches.
What I want to know is: Is it possible to automate the combination of the TO file with the RD file and have it match the pages using the Document Number, dumping any unmatched documents into their own file?
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It's most likely possible, yes, but it's almost impossible to say for sure without seeing the actual files.
Also, this kind of thing requires the development of a completely custom-made tool, which is not a simple task.
If you're interested I'm happy to have a look at your files and let you know if I think it's doable, and if so how much it will cost to develop it.
I can also help you sort the issue of having just two RD pages instead of three, by duplicating one of them automatically.
You can contact me at try6767 at to discuss it further.
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I have a user that has an old freeware that will take 2 documents and shuffle them together automatically.
Document A has 200 pages
Document B has 200 pages
Combine the documents but it will take Page 1 of document A, then page 1 of document B becomes page 2, Page 2 of document A, then becomes page 3 and so on until the end.
We don't want freewares in our environment.
I gave him an Acrobat Pro license to see if it has the functionality but I'm not seeing it.
Anyone have ideas?
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Acorbat does not have that feature built in. But there is a paid for script that will do it:
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Here is a work-around, the object is to get all of the pages from documents A & B in alphabetical order, which will allow the tool File> Create> Combine files into single pdf, to preserve the page order.
Move the two documents into separate folders and give them the exact same names, i.e "Doc"
Tools> Organize> Extract (with all pages selected)> Extract as separate pages, do the same to both files.
Select all of the pages in one of the folders and duplicate them, while still selected, move the duplicated pages into the other folder of pages, the page order of the combined folder will be Doc 1 copy, Doc 1, Doc 2 copy, Doc 2, Doc 3 copy, Doc 3 etc.
File> Create> Combine files into single pdf, navigate to the combined folder.
You can make a feature request here to add shuffling combine to a future update:
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Hello, I am looking to combine two PDF files, but I need them to be alternating pages. So the order would be page 1 of the first document, page 1 of the second document, page 2 of the first document, page 2 of the second document, and so on. Is there an easy way to do this?