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How to make line art the correct color while using white text on black/black bg page and white text?

New Here ,
Sep 09, 2024 Sep 09, 2024

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I have a pdf that has a black circle that is cut into 3/4 and 1/4 by a white rectangle outline. When I use custom colors in Adobe Acrobat Free, I get white text and a black background, and images are not inverted, and this is a huge positive for me, it makes me want to ditch Okular and SumatraPDF on Windows. However, some line art is not correctly colored.

In my pdf, when I enable custom coloring text (white text on black/black bg page and white text), it will have the white rectangle outline not be correctly colored. It is still white, and not black. When I disable one of the two default settings in the Accessibility section, with the disabled one being

"Only change the color of black text or line art"

and me keeping the enabled one

"Change the color of line art as well as text"

enabled,  it will make the rectangle outline a gray color. Not black but it seemed to almost fix my issue. 

Is there a way to make it so that this can have a black rectangle outline? I would love it if someone could help me with this. The pdf is attached below.

How to , Modern Acrobat , PDF , Standards and accessibility






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