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How to prompt "Save As" when extracting thumbnails to File Explorer?

New Here ,
Oct 04, 2024 Oct 04, 2024

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Work computers updated, I turned off the new version of Acrobat Pro so I could keep using the thumbnails to extract multiple pages and make new files in Explorer. The old version would auto-prompt for a save name when dropping the pages in File Explorer. It was easy to drag, rename, save, delete in seconds with barely any clicks or keys. 


Now, it won't ask me to name the file, and just says Extracted Pages. I have to stop, move over, rename, move back, delete... For bulk scans, this would add a gross amount of time each pay period better spent elsewhere. 


Question: How can I get Acrobat to prompt every time for a file name when drag/dropping files to new locations?

Edit and convert PDFs , General troubleshooting , How to , PDF , Standards and accessibility






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