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I need expert help for PDF forms where I need multiple different dates to update

Community Beginner ,
Jan 26, 2024 Jan 26, 2024

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I've been tasked with an assignment for investigators. There are several dates: date issued, date expired, birthdates, incident dates, etc. All of those dates need to be updated based on a given start date.


For instance, if a given persona has a birthdate that makes them 20 years old, if the start date for the assignment is two years from now, that birthdate needs to be updated so that the persona is still 20 years old. If the form lists an issue date of 11/20/2021 and an expiration date of 12/03/2024 today; I need it to update so that it's 11/20/2022 with an expiration date of 12/03/2025 if someone performs the assignment next year, or 11/20/2024 and 12/03/2027 if someone performs the assignment three years from now. 


Is there a way to make all of the listed dates update in that manner?

Create PDFs , Edit and convert PDFs , How to , JavaScript , Modern Acrobat , PDF , PDF forms






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