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Hello everyone, I’m facing a serious issue! I’m using Adobe Acrobat DC, but I don’t want to use Adobe Sign for signatures. Instead, I want to use the signature function from Adobe Reader.
If that’s not possible, I would like to disable Adobe Sign.
Does anyon have any tips?
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You should take a look at the "Use a certificate" tool.
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That’s the point, I don’t want to use certificates. I need to deactivate it or use the old ‘Signatures’ function that is implemented in the Reader
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That’s the point, I don’t want to use certificates. I need to deactivate it or use the old ‘Signatures’ function that is implemented in the Reader
Actually I don't know which function the old ‘Signatures’ function actually is.
If you only want to have an image of an ink signature in the PDF and not a digital signature, the "Fill & Sign" tool should do. You merely have to take care not to select an option in it that triggers Adobe Sign usage, i.e. don't select a "Get e-signatures fast" option but only use "Fill and sign yourself", and in there don't use "Save a certified copy".
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Thank you for reaching out.
As mentioned above, you do not need Acrobat Sign for signature. If you are referring to adding the signature to a document, you can avoid using Acrobat Sign.
In Acrobat, there are two options for signing a document: the Fill & Sign tool and the Digital signature tool. As you do not wish to use the certificate, you can use the Fill & Sign tool. Please refer to the steps suggested in the following help document:
Would like to inform you that Acrobat Reader and Acrobat both have the same signing options.
If you are referring to something else, please share some examples as screenshots for better understanding.
Let us know if you have any questions. We will be happy to answer those.