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This ad showed up in my FB feed today for "Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020" - lifetime key, 5 devices, original license, instant delivery. I'm in Canada, but its listed at 39.99 UK pounds from a vendor called OVOKEYS. Quite sure its a scam.
But I'm curious if there is a full retail purchase option for Acrobat Pro.
Also, is there a way for users to suggest features/tweaks to Acrobat Pro that actually get read and considered? Acrobat Pro is something I use daily in my work (e-discovery/document review/litigation support) and there are a few existing features that with a little tweak or option would really speed things up.
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- At that price it's a scam for sure, or at the very least an illegal reseller. You should report it to Facebook.
- Acrobat is maybe the only Adobe product that still has a "perpetual license" version, yes.
The full price of a single license for Acrobat Pro 2020 is £495.60 (which is why I know what you saw was very likely a scam)...
- You can make feature requests here:
And here:
Whether or not someone pays attention to these requests is not certain... Adobe does monitor these locations, though, and you might get feedback if you post in the latter. The more people request something the more likely (although far from certain) it is to be implemented in some future version.
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I had a look at the website, not wishing to libel anyone, and they seem to insist they are a legal reseller for both Microsoft and Adobe, but I could not find any proof for neither, so I stand behind my claim that this is at the very least highly suspicious.
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I bought and now I regret. First installation is not legal, you need to add key trough notepad and then during installation my antivirus detected phishing via tivokeys(same as ovokeys).
I delete everything and run multiple antivirus software checks.
Not recommended.
Ps. 300 euro for home user is too much money to buy full version of acrobat
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Acrobat Pro is a professional tool. Most regular users don't really need it, and if you do, you'll be better off getting the subscription version and pay on a monthly/yearly basis, as you need it.
And yes, 300 euros is indeed a lot, but it's definitely better than paying 30 for a pirated version that might cause damage to your computer, or even empty your bank account, no?
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Certainly scam. I also had it in my FB feed today ("OVO Software"), and less than 15 minutes after my comment whether this was really legal and if yes, where on Adobe's website could be confirmation about it, my comment was deleted and my FB account blocked on their feeds. (BTW, their prices are now 29 pounds.) I think that speaks for itself.
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Someone (ie. governments worldwide) should really hold FB accountable for allowing such ads to appear on their platform. They are being willfully ignorant, taking advertisers' money on the one hand and allowing them to publish what they please on the other, while taking no responsibility for the contents of those ads. No one will tolerate ads for heroin or stolen cars, so why do they allow ads for illegal software?
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So in other words, you want CENSORSHIP!! Um, no thank you!
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Holding corporations accountable to what they allow to publish on their platform is not "CENSORSHIP" (and putting a scary word in all-caps is not an argument, either). It's making them follow the law.
Also, freedom-of-speech is protected from governmental interference; Private companies are not subject to it. I can't force a newspaper to publish my articles, or even publish my ad (if it's for something illegal). Is that censorship? Of course not.
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Have a word with yourself. If you stop someone robbing a bank, are you censoring them?
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It's even worse: they rob the innocent buyer around the corner. More than once those post then here, when their product gets switched off. Even that the innocent buyer should ask questions, when the offer is too good.
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Just commented on the FB ad saying "Scam". Within seconds I received a Messenger from them saying "Hold my ball*** while I delete your comment." They also blocked me from their FB feeds.
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I've been getting adverts from OvoSoftware for months, advertising Adobe Acrobat licences. I've given up reporting it to Facebook, who I am sure are quite happy to make money from the scammers. They could detect such adverts in seconds, but choose not to. This screenshot is from a few minutes ago, Fri 17 Mar 2023
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Next one via Facebook ads: NivoKey, "Adobe Master Collection 2022 - Full Version " for 40 Euro:
"What does it mean lifetime license?
Only one time payment, you won’t need to pay any monthly subscriptions or fees and you can use the apps for the rest of life."
I will report it, but we all know that Facebook cares a flying f about it...
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Next one: Allsoftware "Lifetime" License for 40 Euro...
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Next: SoftKey Genius for 35 Euro... SoftKey Genius®
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