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Learn how to create a Dropdown list in a PDF form.

Adobe Employee ,
Mar 16, 2020 Mar 16, 2020

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Create a Dropdown list in a form field with these simple and quick steps.


 In Acrobat Pro DC, a form field can be created by choosing one of the form tools. For each field type, it is possible to set a variety of options through the form field Properties dialog box.


  1. In Acrobat, choose Tools Prepare Form
  2. Select “Prepare Forms” to open the toolbar with the various form field tools, including the Dropdown.
  3. Toolbar that appears below the Acrobat Pro DC menu bar-


Form 1.png


4.Or you can simply right click on the page and select Drop-Down from the menu.

Form 2.png


5. Once Dropdown is selected, click on "Properties" and go to Options tab.

6. Here you can add the items of your list. Type the item name and click to Add.


Form 3.png


7. To add another item, click again in the Item dialog box and clear the first one shows there. Enter the second item you wish to add in the list.


Form 4.png


Once clicked on Add, the next item will be added in the Item List. You can add as many as you want, depending on the requirement. 

8. By clicking on Up and Down key, you can adjust the order of the list items. 


Form 5.png

 9.Click Preview to see the outcome


Form 6.png



Looks everything set as it was supposed to? Save the changes "Ctrl+s" and you are good to go from here.

To get the detailed description on how to work with PDF Forms from scratch, see https://helpx.adobe.com/in/acrobat/using/create-form.html


Tell us if these steps helped you working with a PDF Form service better. Join the conversation here. We are listening!


To discover a host of other great features – Go straight to: How to add form fields, action buttons, calculations, data & time, or a submit button in your form | Form field properties


PDF forms






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