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Microsoft Purview Information Protection support in Acrobat

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 19, 2022 Oct 19, 2022

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Microsoft Purview Information Protection support in Acrobat.



What is MPIP?


Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) is a Microsoft rights management solution that enables rights-based access to assets including PDF documents. Adobe Acrobat Pro/Standard and Reader desktop apps support consistent viewing of PDFs protected by Microsoft Purview Information Protection. In addition, for organizations standardizing on MPIP, we have launched the native experience to apply and edit Information Protection sensitivity labels and policies to their PDFs within the desktop version of Acrobat Pro/Standard.


Consistent Viewing of Microsoft Purview Information Protection-protected PDFs in Acrobat and Adobe Reader

Users of Azure Information Protection and other Microsoft Purview Information Protection solutions can use Acrobat or Adobe Reader to read labeled and protected content. For more on Acrobat and Adobe Reader support for viewing such files, see MPIP for Acrobat and Adobe Reader.


Steps to enable document message bar

To enable the document message bar in MPIP protected PDFs in Acrobat and Adobe Reader, download the latest version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and then follow these steps (depending on your OS).


For MacOS:

  1. Ensure Acrobat is not running.
  2. Keeping the Command button pressed, press the Space bar.
  3. In the Search bar, enter Terminal, and double-click Terminal in the left sidebar to open the macOS terminal.
  4. In the terminal, run the following commands:


  • /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :DC:MicrosoftAIP:ShowDMB array" ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.acrobat.pro.plist
  • /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :DC:MicrosoftAIP:ShowDMB:item1 bool true" ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.acrobat.pro.plist
  • /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :DC:MicrosoftAIP:ShowDMB:item0 integer 0" ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.acrobat.pro.plist

sudo killall cfprefsd



For Windows:


  1. Ensure Acrobat is not running.
  2. To open Windows registry editor, press the Windows key + r and type regedit.
  3. Set the following registry entries:
  • Go to:
    Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\MicrosoftAIP
    And set the value:
    bShowDMB value to 1
  1. Close the registry editor.


mpip-reg.pngexpand image


For information about applying and editing the MPIP sensitive labels on PDFs in Acrobat please refer to the following document Apply and edit Microsoft Purview Information Protection sensitivity labels


For known issues with Adobe Acrobat and Reader DC, please refer to the following document: Known issues | Acrobat DC, Reader DC 


To know more about the recent release version 22.3.20258, please go through the page Acrobat Release Notes

General troubleshooting , How to , Security digital signatures and esignatures




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