Multiline text box
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I am trying to create a multiline text field , however on doing this the text doesn't fit within the lines that are present in the form design.
Now one solution is to increase the font size , I have tried that and it doesn't really solve it.
This is a government form that works fine when you download from their site and open in adobe reader. ( and they have even smaller font ).
I am using adobe acrobat pro dc , Build: 18.11.20055.290043 , and I don't see an option to control line height for a multiline field.
Interestingly enough , even the government form above that works fine upon downloading , has the same line overlapping problem if type text within chrome using the adobe reader plugin.
How can I adjust the line height ?? I read somewhere to set paragraph line spacing in text field properties , but I do not see this option anywhere.
Thanks in advance..
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I have the same problem for government. Solutions anyone? Or is this an issue that Acrobat should address since government offices are major users of this Adobe product? Thank you.
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Try the rich text format.
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I did this and then closed Form Editing, control+E and changed the paragraph settings. But it won't SAVE them. I go to the one, come back and it reverted back to default setting. I have multiple multi-line text boxes in my form.
1. How can the properties be saved?
2. How can the default of the Form Field Text Properties be changes?
Thank you.
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1. You have to select the text before making the changes so they are applied to it. Then they should be saved.
2. If you mean the properties under the Rich Text Properties toolbar, then it's not possible.
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It is a form that I will distribute, so there is no text to select.
It does not appear to be the Rich Text Properties toolbar. It just says Form Field Text Properties. "Form Editing" is closed.
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The user must enter text and select the text.
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Me/Company: Dear important customer, Here is a poorly formatted form for you. The type will not appear on the all the line properly unless YOU format it. Hopefully you have Adobe software. If not - well sorry.
Customer: Bye
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With a bit of careful planning and trial-and-error it's usually possible to get the lines of the text field to match perfectly with the printed lines on the page, even without using Rich Text Formatting.
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I understand that and have done that on many occasions.
With a bit of careful planning, Adobe can fix this for its many customers, like the government users at the start of this thread. I know they have the technology and code, it works beautifully in InDesign.(yes, I know Acrobat is not meant for that type of work, just saying)
So, in other words, there is no solution.
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Just put a white background to this field, the lines is good for handwriting but I have never seen any form field that did not write right.
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe