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Ik heb net de Adobe Acrobat DC versie op mijn pc geinstalleerd.
Ik wil graag via Adobe sign documenten verzenden ter ondertekening naar anderen.
Als ik deze button gebruik krijg ik standaard de melding No Internet Connection.
Ik ben ingelogd onder mijn eigen naam en er is zeker een internet verbinding.
De algemene opties heb ik reeds geprobeerd (account afmelden, opnieuw opstarten, aanmelden etc) cookies verwijderen, browser history resetten etc, werk allemaal niet. Zelfs opnieuw installeren heeft niet geholpen.
Ten einde raad hoop ik dat ik op dit forum iemand vindt die tips heeft om mijn verbindingsprobleem te kunnen oplossen.
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Hi, So after troubleshooting this issue for sometime, I have identified the root cause. If you are sitting behind a cooperate firewall, you will need to whitelist the URL below:
which resolved to ->
this will resolve the internet connection issue within Adobe Acrobat DC Pro.
not sure why this is not listed as one of the required URLs by Adobe
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I too have experienced this issue with one of my users (OS is Windows 10, 64 bit on both machines mentioned in this post). They could not sign documents or send documents for signatures. I spent hours and hours with Adobe Support on this. Several remote sessions by Adobe Support, uninstalled the program re-installed it, ran cleaning tools, tried different versions etc. Nothing worked. Still got the no internet connection error when sending a document for signature.
This user had Adobe Acrobat installed on a laptop as well as a desktop. The desktop being the primary machine and the laptop for travel purposes. I found that the E-Sign features worked on the laptop. Laptop has Windows 10 64 Bit OS and a 32 Bit version of Adobe. I got a 32 Bit version of Adobe Acrobat, installed it on the PC and it the E-Sign features worked using that version, depsite it being 64 Bit OS. This perhaps could be something to try.
I don't know why this would work but it does, and I have informed Adobe Support of same.
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Hey Kimberleyo,
Thanks for reporting the issue, and sharing the troubleshooting steps you have tried. I assume that you are experiencing this trouble with the desktop application Adobe Acrobat DC.
1- For Acrobat DC, you may check if there is any security software enabled. Turn it off for a while and check back.
[Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you shouldn't disable your antivirus software. If you have to temporarily disable it to install or activate other software, you should re-enable it as soon as you're done.]
2- Try with the Acrobat DC web interface Adobe Document Cloud if you are getting the same error there as well, then you may switch the internet connection and test.
Also, share the screenshot of the same message with us-
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Hi Akanchha,
Thanks for your feedback, hopefully the solution works. Our IT service desk is trying the options.
Please find below the printscreen of my error message. Before the error message the transaction breefly shows on the screen.
No internet conncetion while signed in and having an actual connection with the internet.
As soon as my IT service desk has checked you solution I will come back to you.
Thanks again,
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Let us know if it doesn't work or if you manage to find the solution to this problem please do share your findings.
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Hi Akanchha,
Within our own IT support there is not yet found a solution in order to get internet.
This is what I see in the online version:
While I want to see the market in red in below priintscreen.
Can you explain to me how the adobe sign is working since I guess there is a link missing between the DC where the file are stored and the actual program on my computer. Hopefully with this background information we are able to solve the internet isseus I am facing right now.
Thanks in advance!!
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Hey Kimberley,
I apologize for not being able to reply to your previous message on time.
Since you have checked the web interface of Adobe Document cloud and its working fine, then there shouldn't be any issue accessing the Adobe Sign service through the desktop application itself.
Are you still looking for the resolution to this problem, or it got resolved with the latest patch of Acrobat DC?
Acrobat>Edit>Preferences>Security (Enhanced)> Uncheck "Enable Enhanced Security">OK
Note: Permanently disabling security settings is not recommended. We request you to turn back on after testing it.
Let us know the update on this, and if you have managed to find the solution to this issue then please help us with your findings.
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Hi, I'm also having this trouble on my desktop verson. I've tried to alter the security settings and it didn't work. I've tried signing out and in and restarting my computer and it doesn't work. I don't feel like any of the instructions that are referenced here are very helpful, sorry. Can you please look into this issue further? It works on the online version.
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This replying once a month doesn't really help anyone. Has anyone ever found a solution to this? All appropriate fill and signed regkeys are in place. This is a corporate environment and yes we have internet connectivity. As soon as you try to send the file to someone else for signature you get "No internet connectivity". We need to use this feature asap - please assist.
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Was there ever a solution on this? I'm having the same issue and it's driving me crazy.
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Hi there
We are sorry for the delay in response. I hope you would be able to ix it by now.
If the issue still persists, have you tried the suggestions above, please update the thread so we can assist you further.
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I now also get the error message when trying to send a document for comments, that the feature requires internet connectivity. It also won't create a link to share.
This only happened since the last update, I think. Can this please be fixed? There doesn't seem to be a solution in 2 years?!?
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What's the exact version number of the application? What's your OS version?
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2020.012.20043 Windows 10 Enterprise, version 10, OS build 18363.959
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Hi there
We are sorry to hear that. This error is related to Network and Firewall restrictions if possible please connect the machine to a different network environment like a guest network or a mobile hotspot for testing purpose. You may also try to use the service on a different machine and see if you still get the error message.
You may also take a look at the steps provided in the help article How to resolve connection errors with Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite applications and see if that works for you.
Let us know how it goes
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Hi, So after troubleshooting this issue for sometime, I have identified the root cause. If you are sitting behind a cooperate firewall, you will need to whitelist the URL below:
which resolved to ->
this will resolve the internet connection issue within Adobe Acrobat DC Pro.
not sure why this is not listed as one of the required URLs by Adobe
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No, this is not viable solution.
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I've the same issue. When I am using the desktop acrobat application it gives the error No Internet Connection while using the Acrobat DC we interface it's working fine and I am to use request signatures.
Please advise
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Hi @Ijaz5FF2
Please go through the steps provided in the help article How to resolve connection errors with Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite applications and see if that works for you.
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heb een proefversie gedownload adobe acropro trial en er geen ( gee interesse) vervolg aan gegeven ( griep) en na herstelt van griep zie ik afschrijving op mijn credit card 288,80 euro.Op de adobe site vind ik niets terug van een facuur - licentie en ook geen installatie bericht ,Kortom niets bekend over mij.
Heb de site gevonden 288,80 euro met venster kopen en pas kon ik credir card invullen niet gedaan!!
Er is hier dingen fout gelopen en mijn verzoek (maak geen gebruik ( 77 senior) en vriendelijk verzoek terug te storten bij mijn ing bank.
N.B. Kan ook geen bestanden laten zien.Er geen berichten naar mij.
m.v.g Dhr Jos Hoekstra
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Probeer contact te nemen met Adobe in Nederland (ik ga ervan uit dat u in NL woont...), door dit nummer op te bellen: 020-201-3331 (maandag - vrijdag, 9:00-17:00)
Vraag voor het opzeggen van uw abonnement en voor een terugbetaling, als mogelijk. Meestal werkt het.
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I too have experienced this issue with one of my users (OS is Windows 10, 64 bit on both machines mentioned in this post). They could not sign documents or send documents for signatures. I spent hours and hours with Adobe Support on this. Several remote sessions by Adobe Support, uninstalled the program re-installed it, ran cleaning tools, tried different versions etc. Nothing worked. Still got the no internet connection error when sending a document for signature.
This user had Adobe Acrobat installed on a laptop as well as a desktop. The desktop being the primary machine and the laptop for travel purposes. I found that the E-Sign features worked on the laptop. Laptop has Windows 10 64 Bit OS and a 32 Bit version of Adobe. I got a 32 Bit version of Adobe Acrobat, installed it on the PC and it the E-Sign features worked using that version, depsite it being 64 Bit OS. This perhaps could be something to try.
I don't know why this would work but it does, and I have informed Adobe Support of same.