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I have a lot of users in outlying offices with slow connections. Need offline installer so installation does not take forever to complete.
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Hello John,
Thank you for the reply. I may be missing something but this did not appear to help. My user is on a very slow link to the internet. I could download it much quicker and then copy it to her machine.
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Moving to Installing, Updating, & Subscribing to Acrobat​
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I am looking for the offline installer (64 bits) of Acrobat Reader DC lastest version (22.001.20117) Spanish language [AcroRdrDCx642200120117_es_ES].
I have tried to get it from, but I only get the 32 bits version.
How can get the 64 bits installer (.exe or .msi) to perform a silent installation in some computers on my company?
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I am looking for an offline installer for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. It needs to be pro, and we cannot use the regular installer. I found the offline installer for the regular acrobat DC, but not for pro. Can anyone help me out?
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Hi chrisl51859539,
does this help?
» Download Pro or Standard versions of Acrobat DC, XI, or X
Kind Regards,
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I am trying to install the latest adobe reader DC 18.011.20055 it is for a offline testing network but I am unable to install it still looks like it is trying to connect to the internet and then says unable to connect, I believe this is the link for the offline installs Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution and I choose my options and download ok but wont install on my offline network? any ideas? TIA
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What exactly happens when you try to install it?
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it opens the the adobe installer waits a few seconds says "connecting" then says unable to connect what give me the impression it is looking for the internet
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Did you complete the Volume Distribution License?
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I believe we have one, but I am only trying to install it on one machine what is a test machine not sure if that needs it? Thanks
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You can get the full installers from here, but I don't think it's any different from the file you got via the Enterprise page:
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I think it was an issue with the selected download works how it should on previous updates and now on the new most current update, but if I go back to the version I original required still have the same issue
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18.011.20058 Planned update, August 14, 2018 — Release Notes for Acrobat DC Products
I cant download any of these msp-files. Do you have the same issue? refused to connect.
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No I don't have the same issue, I just tried and I am able to download all of them with noproblems
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mmm interesting. Oke, i'm going to find some new internet. Tnx for the update, at least I know the links are working. Keep you updated.
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was able to download them with my mobile phone. So the company network somehow is blocking this. Anyway, thank you for checking.