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PDF/X-1a 2001 vs 2003 and preflight

New Here ,
Jun 02, 2024 Jun 02, 2024

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I am doing some icons, clipart and illustrations and deliver it to customers by PNG and also PDF, just in case they will need a vector file and also CMYK in the future. So normally I don't deliver the file that is directly printed, but just an image, but also in PDF (I always creat vector images by default).


So I think it is good to export a PDF/X file just that I am sure I did not mix RGB and CMYK and no other errors are there. Also, I am independent from any PDF, SVG, AI version and so on.


When I looked into this area the last time some years ago, the X-1a 2001 was recommended in general for communicating for example with printing companies. But as I don't deliver directly for printing, and also since Affinity Designer only exports X-1a 2003, I wonder now:

a)  is the 2001 version still recommended and the 2003 more seen like not a good option to deliver graphics to customers?

b)  if there is no printing paper / material known yet, does it make any difference if I deliver X-1a 2001 or X-1a 2003 or could the 2003 version even be better for my specific case?

c)  in my Acrobat Pro 9 I get an error in Preflight CMYK offset when I have a PDF X-1a 2003 as this is not compliant to PDF/X-1a 2001 (which is true actually), but when I add the 2003 version in the Preflight setting by checkbox, there remains a warning the output intent is not recommended by Ghent. If no other warning or error occurs, could I just say a PDF/X-1a 2003 with only this Ghent warning is fine in my specific case, or do I need another preflight to be sure (should I for example just check in preflight for "PDF/X Standard" there I don't get a warning or error, but CMYK offset is also interesting for me) ?


Thank you for any help.

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