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Oct 16, 2024 Oct 16, 2024

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From what I have read in the threads Adobe does not provide or issue passwords however, when I use the signature portion it does not allow me to review a password. 


I work in family law, when creating a financial statement, I cannot attach 160 pages to the statement so I sent out the 14 pages to be signed. When it has been signed by all parties, I then want to merge documents so that I can attach the remaining 160 pages but it will not allow this.


Adobe offers the signing function, I did not put a password on the document so how can I find out what the actual password is so that I may move forward and attach the documents?


There has to be a way for the individual who pays for the service to look at the document in settings to determine what the actual password it. I am not looking to change what has been signed, just so that I may merge the documents into one. 


Thank you in advance.

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Oct 16, 2024 Oct 16, 2024

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You can't do it. Neither of those things: find out what the password was, nor merge a signed file with another one. That would completely defeat the entire point of both a security policy and a digital signature. You need to understand that a digital signature applies to the entire document as a whole, so if you could merge a signed page with another document (and keep the signature valid), that would mean the user signed the entire thing, which of course they didn't. I hope you can see the problem with that...

So your options are:

- Send the entire document to be signed and returned to you.

- Merge the signed pages with the rest of the document as a Portfolio, which is a PDF file that has other files (PDFs or not) attached to it as a binder of sorts. But keep in mind that only the first part is signed, not the second part, or the Portfolio itself.





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