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Problems converting Word documents to PDF

New Here ,
Apr 13, 2007 Apr 13, 2007

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I am having trouble converting Word documents to PDF files. Whenever I try to convert the file, I receive the following error message: Missing PDFMaker files. Do you want to run the installer in repair mode? When I run the installer in repair mode, I still receive the same message. I have Adobe Acobat Professional 8 and MS Office 2007 installed on my PC.




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New Here ,
Aug 19, 2007 Aug 19, 2007

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Answer to the last two posts. I do have initials in the Word 2007 setup so that is not my problem.

I to have had problems printing "Adobe PFD" the embedded Excel files in a Work 2007. In my case the entire Excel part prints as solid black. I tried numerous things with no luck.




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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2007 Aug 20, 2007

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You're right, I have NO idea why that would have ANY effect on the problem, but it fixed it!!!! Thank you thank you thank you. You are a lifesaver!
(parenthetically, I had already tried making a simple pdf, and that didn't work out either).
So, to anyone else struggling with this problem, apparently, you have only to enter your user information, and PROBLEM SOLVED! Thanks a million to Mkashif!




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New Here ,
Aug 23, 2007 Aug 23, 2007

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I'm using Word 2007 and Adobe 8.1.0 Professional. I too cannot create a full feature PDF file from Word 2007. The document I'm using is one with a dozen or so sub documents and together total about 550 pages. I was forced to use Word 2007 and the .docx format due to size limitations with Word 2003 and the .doc format. The problem is I need both bookmarks and named destinations in the final PDF file.

Trying to create a fully functional PDF causes Word and/or Adobe to lock up. Creating a Quick and Simple PDF generates the bookmarks I need, but does not generate the Named Destinations. Printing to Adobe PDF does generate the Named Destinations, but does not generate the bookmarks.

Anyone know how I can get around the lock up issue and get both bookmarks and named destinations? I have tried everything I can think of, and everything I have read on here and other sites with no luck so far.

Thanks in advance,




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New Here ,
Aug 23, 2007 Aug 23, 2007

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What OS are you using. I see those things but on Vista 64. This could tell us if it is OS dependent or something about the applications.




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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hi Roger,
What do you mean by word lock up when using Fully functional PDF? Is the progress bar visible to you while conversion is going on? Fully functional PDF will be slow for 550 pages document, so probably you might want to give it more time to convert! How did you create Named destinations in Word?




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I have the same proble: have win vista 32bit, adobe acrobat 8.1, office 2007 and i miss the adobe pdf printer, so, when i try to print from every office application i can't do it because adobe pdf converter/printer is missing. I try to reinstall acrobat but the printer is still missing. Can you help me?
thanks a lot.





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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I'm running Windows XP Pro, with all the latest updates from Microsoft and Adobe installed. Works fine on a single smaller document, a few pages. I have even tried it after combining all the sub docs into one large document with the same results. It also does not matter if I try it from inside Word or from inside Adobe.





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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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The progress bar is visible and stops moving after 4 bars. I have let it sit for 15 - 20 minutes like that and still no progress or signs of life. When I click on the dialog box with the progress bar for more details, it pops up with the message the app is no longer responding. After it terminates the Word app, Word disables the Adobe add-in and I have to re-enable it and relaunch Word to get the Adobe tool bar back in Word.





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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I create Named Destinations in Word by using the Print field code. This creates a none printing line that is passed onto the printer, which in this case is Adobe. Adobe recognizes the command and inserts a Named Destination for each of these it finds in the Word document. The actual text entered into the document is below, with "bookmarktext" being replaced with the actual name you want for the destination.

{ PRINT "[/Dest /bookmarkname /DEST pdfmark" \* MERGEFORMAT }

The problem is only Adobe recognizes the above command. Word 2007 does not recognize the command, so when creating a PDF no Named Destinations get added. And since I have hundreds of bookmarks and named destinations in my document, adding either manually is a days worth of work. Something I was hoping to avoid with the latest versions of Word and Adobe.





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Explorer ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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>The problem is only Adobe recognizes the above command. Word 2007 does not recognize the command, so when creating a PDF no Named Destinations get added.

Are you printing to Adobe PDF with Word 2007? And it is ignoring PRINT

Aandi Inston




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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If I print to Adobe PDF Word passes the PRINT commands on and the Named Destinations get created in the PDF. I believe this is actually Adobe that is creating the PDF however, not Word. And when printing to Adobe PDF the bookmarks are not generated. I assume because it thinks it is printing the document so why include bookmarks that do not show up.

If I Save As the Word PDF, not Adobe, then the bookmarks are generated in the PDF, but the named destinations are not. This is also how it works if you use the Quick and Simple PDF option under the Adobe tool bar. Which I assume is running Words PDF creater instead of Adobe's.





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Explorer ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I think you're right. But if Word's PDF creator is the problem, you
probably need to find a Microsoft forum for discussing it...

You wrote " Something I was hoping to avoid with the latest versions
of Word and Adobe." - surely just using Acrobat avoids this, or am I
missing an important part of the puzzle.

Aandi Inston




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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Hi Roger,

In your post to James (Roger Young Jr - 4:13am Aug 24, 07 PST (#31 of 35)) you mentioned that it works fine for a smaller documents. If this is the case then I'm sure that you should give more time to Fully functional PDFMaker (maybe turn OFF "Enable Accessiblity and reflow......" in 'Preferences').
I think PDFMaker throws a message to merge all subdocs into the master doc and it needs user input, check if this message is behind some window or not.

'Quick and Simple' PDF has lesser functionality but is faster to create. And I'm sure it's not from Microsoft:-)




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I can only avoid manually adding named destinations to the PDF if I can get the Adobe PDFMaker to work with the Word 2007 .docx document I have, 574 pages. Word 2007's PDF creator works fine with the large .docx document I have but does not create the named destinations from the PRINT commands I embed in the document.

Right now the only way I have of creating the PDF I need is to use Word 2007 to create the PDF and then use Adobe 8.1 to open Words PDF and then add line by line the named destinations I need, a few hundred. A days worth of work.

So I have to get Word 2007's PDF creator to handle the PRINT commands to auto generate the named destinations or get Adobe's PDFMaker to handle the large size of my Word 2007 .docx document. Neither of which I have been able to do as of yet.





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Explorer ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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Ok, I see. This may have been suggested, but have you tried turning
off PDFMaker options you don't need, like tagging?

Aandi Inston




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I have tried expanding the sub docs first and without expanding the sub docs first. Both with the same results, lock up. I have also since tried turning off the Enable Accessiblity and reflow... option with the same results.

I only assumed the Quick and Simple option was using the Words PDF creator since it provided the exact same results, and does not put up Adobe's dialog while converting.

But I'm willing to try any other things you can think of for me to try. Although at this point I'm starting to think I will have to wait for either Adobe or Microsoft to come up with a patch or enhancement to allow this to work.





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Explorer ,
Aug 24, 2007 Aug 24, 2007

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I wonder about the use of a master doc. I've tried to steer clear of master doc's because they always had problems in the past. I did do a quick test, though, with a master doc. comprised of two files, one w/named destinations defined w/PRINT field. Had success with Acro. Pro. 8.1 and Word 2007 (.docx files), Windows XP Pro (2002 SP2), printer set to PDF Printer. Named dest's and bookmarks all came in. This file was 200+p.; file sizes of 433 KB and 13 MB (many color photos).

My main ques. - are you sure that all PRINT fields include correct syntax? Could one of them have a typo? Acrobat definitely used to hang if any erroneous PRINT fields were in a file. Can you watch the details of the PDF-ing process and narrow the problem down to any particular page?

--Gloria Mc




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New Here ,
Aug 29, 2007 Aug 29, 2007

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I have a word document that has a city seal on the first page. When I convert it to PDF, the seal has a red line to the right of it. Please help with a solution. Thank you.





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New Here ,
Sep 07, 2007 Sep 07, 2007

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Have issues with converting a Word:MAC doc into PDF. I am on OSX 10.4.1. I am using Word:MAC 2004 Vrs11.3. My Adobe is Acrobat 7.0 Professional 7.0.5 vers.
I am trying to convert a Word document with Tracked changes showing into a Adobe pdf. It converts when I go to (Word) FILE - PRINT - and at the bottom of the Print screen, ask it to save it as a PDF file. But here are the issues: (1) It shows up on the Word "Quick Preview" screen as it Word had taken the page, shrinked it back to about 70% in size and pasted it onto another page and it converts over into the PDF like that. But.... when I go in Word to FILE then PRINT PREVIEW instead of the PRINT Screen and option, the pages show normal. When I have the file open it and work in it, the pages are displayed normally and function normally.
Someone told me to go into FILE - PRINT screen and where I can select which printer I want to print from, select the Adobe 7.0 Professional option there and then go from there to save the document into the pdf file. I did this type of "save" and all I got when it converted was a one page document, telling me all about the 94 page file I was trying to convert. It would not convert the file at all, just the one page information sheet.
So. Any reason why this is doing this? This is not my File that I created. It was sent to me to review, make necessary final changes and then convert to pdfs, both marked and unmarked for changes. He uses a PC for most of his work. Could that be the issue? If so, then why can I open the file, it all come up normally, and I have no issues with it this way?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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New Here ,
Oct 17, 2007 Oct 17, 2007

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I have the same prooblem with printing pdf from word (2007) with excel file embedded. The excel file is printed as a black box in Acrobat but not in the free .pdf MS 2007 option that you can donwnload from MS. Microsoft pdf converter works better than Acrobats ver 8!

I have also concluded that this happans in document that was created before I installed Vista (32 bit) AND which I have opened and modified, saved, and reopened for printing. Opening old documents created before installing Vista seems not give me any problems.

I am not sure that this is a unique Acrobat problem because if I try to print the word document(the word doc that gives me problem in Acrobat) my B/W laser prints it Ok but my laster printer with the latest drivers/firmware prints the doc with a block box for the excel section!




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New Here ,
Oct 17, 2007 Oct 17, 2007

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Hi Carl,

What I get from your message is that you are trying Acrobat 8.0 with Word 2007 on Vista OS.
Acrobat 8.0 is not supported on Word 2007 and Windows Vista.
So I would say first of all you upgrade to Acrobat version 8.1 and then try again.

Good Luck..




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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2008 Jan 12, 2008

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I have the following problem: when i import a graphic from a pdf to a word mac doc it appears ok in the mac but if i sent the word document to a windows PC the word document opens but the imported graphic cannot be seen. However the space it occupies is kept in the doc. Any suggestion how to solve this?

Many thanks




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New Here ,
Jan 29, 2008 Jan 29, 2008

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I am having a similar issue with Acrobat Professional 8.1 on a Windows XP Pro machine. It gets to about 60% and then it freezes saying: "Waiting for the printer to respond: AdobePDF". Anyone know how to resolve this issue? Thanks.




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New Here ,
Jan 31, 2008 Jan 31, 2008

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I am also having a problem with WORD files being converted to PDF. I am working with Windows XP, Acrobat 8 and Word 07. When I convert to PDF the document gets edited (spaces deleted) and causes the document that was 123 to be 122. I can not have the file edited at all because this causes other problems. Is there a setting to ensure the exact same format as the original?




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Explorer ,
Jan 31, 2008 Jan 31, 2008

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There is no such thing as an "exact" Word document. Word will change
the page layout when you change printer drivers, fonts, versions of
Word and Windows, when it feels like it. You must plan for and expect

If you can tell us why adding a page is a big deal, although Word
isn't really our area, we might be able to give you tips on how to
stop it being a problem - so long as you aren't trying to use Word for
something (page layout) it isn't made for.

Aandi Inston




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