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I want to use Acrobat Pro DC on Win 10 to create a new blank PDF, with the page size defaulting to A4.
If I go: Tools/Create PDF/Blank Page/Create, it is always US Letter size.
Is there a settings file I can change to get this to be A4 (or something else?).
I suspect it will be a .joboptions file - if so, how do I create it, what should I call it, and which folder should I put it in?
Thanks in advance,
Peter Whan
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Job options not involved. If the option resets each time you are probably stuck. Consider having a stock PDF with a blank a4 page: you can insert the PDF.
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It can be done with a script, but you can also simply convert a blank Word document with the desired page size to a PDF and then use it as a template.
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Did you ever find a solution for this, so it opens new PDFs in A4 without using templates or having to first use a Word document? I'm having the same issue even though I've changed everything I can possibly find to be changed to A4 size. My online search for answers is not going well at all.
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You can't change it.
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Really bad constraint.... A4 is the international page size for non-US users.... still unresolved in May 2021...
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Not just US. Canada also uses 8.5 x 11 (Letter) as a standard document size. In my case, I need an 11 x 17 (Tabloid) sized PDF. Not impressed that the document size is not something easily set. Even MS Paint can do that.
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Hello Adobe?! That’s ridiculous.
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Ditto - best I could find...
There's a neat create Form workaround with a few steps (from 2020) detailed here also:
Way easier to just build a bank of templates for your ongoing needs with ProDC v2021.
Same Same headaches and headwinds - I was hoping to continue how I used to use Ai, Ps, ProX for workflow into Pr & Ae...