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Hi, I am trying to create a stamp which will have the options to check one of three boxes, a place to write the user's name and an auto-fillinf date field. I am not a Java programmer at all, I don't understand a thing. I have already created my form, but when saving as Stamp (dynamic), none of the checkboxes are actives nor the date is working at all. I have tried every Java script that I found on the web and nothing is working in any way. The best I could get is the printed date/time when I created the form - the the actual date/time. Is there any intelligent way to do it or do I have to get a Ph.D. in freaking Java?
And btw, why Adobe forces people to program basic fuctions in their software? Are we in 2021? There is no other means than that?
This is an image of the stamp I wanna make.
I have Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
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Yes, you have to learn how to write code in JavaScript (not Java!) if you want to create something as advanced as a dynamic stamp, or you can hire someone to do it for you. And I don't understand your gripe about Adobe "forcing" you to use JS. Is Microsoft forcing you to use VBA if you want to create a Macro in Office? It's just the programming language of that application... If you want to do advanced scripting tasks then that's the option available to you, unless you find a PDF application that supports such functions out-of-the-box, or using another language.
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As you can see, I really don't know a thing about programming! Even the correct names...
The point is that to make a stamp, we have to make a Form, with fields and everything. What is the use of creating such form if, when exported as stamp, it behaves like an image? I'll just use Photoshop then! Creating a form in DC should, even when exported to stamp, retain the properties of fields (and checkboxes and radio buttons...). At least for non coding people like me (and 99% of the population), it will be a great thing.
Btw, macros are easily created with a record button in Office (last time I check though... a while ago!). And Actions are also created the same way in Photoshop. I am pretty shure Adobe can implement those things for their (paying) users.
Apart from that, do you have any solution to propose?
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This is one of the more complex subjects when it comes to scripting in Acrobat...
Basically, you need to use a script that populates the user to input the values of the fields when the stamp is applied.
This can be done using a dialog (complicated, but more versatile) or a set of prompt alerts (simple, but less "user-friendly"). Search the form for "dynamic stamp". There are plenty of tutorials and examples on the subject, including a whole book written on it by Thom Parker, a fellow expert here.
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Thanks for the references... I'll guess I have to give up, I don't have the time to learn a whole language this afternoon just to... help someone with this issue. I thought it was quite easy since I know how to use most of Adobe suite softwares, but I was wrong. The examples are checked on the web were not working, even if I followed all the steps. And that is just for the auto Date filling field! Checkboxes are a ninja thing.
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Yeah, this is not a good project for someone without any experience with Acrobat JavaScript... It can be quite frustrating.
You (or the person you're doing it for) can always hire a professional in the field to do it for you. There are several of those hanging around here, including myself. If you're interested feel free to contact me privately via [try6767 at] to discuss it further.
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Thanks for bringing me back to reality! I'll tell that to the person who asked for help and follow your email if she is interested.
Have a nice day.
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I've created stamp like the one you've described countless times. Point the person who asked about the stamp to this web page where you'll find tons of info on Acrobat Stamps.