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I'm trying to support someone to create a PDF from a MS Word 2011 document in OS X. She normally does the layout in Word, then to generate the PDF goes to the Print dialog to convert the file to PS, which she then opens in Distiller to make the PDF (generating the PDF directly from the Print dialog in Word creates visual oddities in the images, so she says she's kind of stuck doing it this way). For some reason though she's getting an error where Distiller crashes when it hits a specific font (Proxima-Nova, which she says she is NOT using in the file). How to resolve this? In this forum they were trying to solve the issue by re-install the Proxima-Nova font, but it doesn't appear to be clear if that's definitely the answer, or if there are any steps to take in the Distiller settings beyond just downloading and installing the font.
Any thoughts?
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I just responded to you via PM in which I have provided my phone contact info. Please call me. I found the problem but It is too complex to write out easily ...
- Dov
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Distiller's error messages often have more in than you think. Please copy/paste the whole log.
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Here is the error log:
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
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That error is very specific. The font is in fact embedded in the PostScript file that is being distilled, but it apparently has an error in the font definition itself. The font file itself installed on that Mac may be corrupted or the font itself might be crufty. Obviously, if the document's author doesn't believe she is using the font, one would need to thoroughly go through the Word document and try to find and eliminate the reference to the font.
- Dov
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Why in the world would they create PDF from Word, especially under MacOS, by creating PostScript and then distilling? Even without Acrobat installed, you can easily create PDF from Word both directly from Word and from the print dialog. Adding Acrobat provides a means of getting an Adobe Acrobat-optimized PDF file.
The only reason to go through the craziness of creating PostScript and then converting that to PDF would be if you have EPS graphics in your Word document, something that is exceptionally rare these days.
If the person you are helping is getting “visual oddities” in the images when directly creating PDF, there are likely problems in either the Word document, the images / artwork within the Word document, or both. Perhaps you can provide a sample?
Note that one of the possibilities regarding the unexpected call for a font that one believes is not used in a document is that (1) such a font is used in the underlying Word template and/or (2) a non-printing area within the document such as a tab or paragraph ending is formatted in that font.
- Dov
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Thanks for your response. What would be the easiest way to get you a sample? Save the file in Google Drive and then include the link in a reply?
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Send me a private message via the forums with a link. However, due to the upcoming holidays, I will not likely be able to look at it until later next week.
- Dov
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Hi Dov Isaacs,
I just PM'ed you the file as requested. Please let me know if you're open to taking a look still!
Ari L.
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I just responded to you via PM in which I have provided my phone contact info. Please call me. I found the problem but It is too complex to write out easily ...
- Dov
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Hi again Dov,
Thanks for reaching out to me and giving me advice! My client just sent me this email asking if you'd be open to taking a look again?
I can’t use distiller to move the postscript file (originally a Word doc) into a pdf.
(I was just using it to move an InDesign file into a pdf, and it did work.)
Seems like it’s this line, same in both versions:
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
Started: 5/30/18 at 9:07 PM
Adobe PostScript software version: 3018.101
CID support library initialization completed.
/CheckCompliance out of range
Distilling: 3
Start Time: 5/30/18 at 9:04 PM
Source: /Users/melody1/Desktop/3
Destination: /Users/melody1/Desktop/3 Splunk_CLP-D_Workbook-May2018.pdf
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Press Quality.joboptions
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
Distill Time: 5 seconds (00:00:05)
**** End of Job ****
with older version of Distiller:
Started: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 9:06 PM
Adobe PostScript software version: 3018.101
CID support library initialization completed.
Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/CheckCompliance out of range
Distilling: 3
Start Time: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 9:06 PM
Source: /Users/melody1/Desktop/3
Destination: /Users/melody1/Desktop/3 Splunk_CLP-D_Workbook-May2018.pdf
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Press Quality.joboptions
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
Distill Time: 9 seconds (00:00:09)
**** End of Job ****
If the print job is not particularly large, I can just go straight to “make a pdf.” I had just forgotten, as I don’t use the postscript/distiller thing all the time.
This workbook is 99 pages and graphic-laden. When I just make the pdf without using postscript/distiller, the graphics are poorer quality. The text all has styles associated with it.
Would love to know what the “offending command” is! (besides Trump et al)
When we worked on this before, I made sure that Proxima Nova was correctly in the Font Book.
Wondering if there’s a setting somewhere in PS or Distiller…
Links to files: 3 Splunk_CLP-D_Workbook-May2018.pdf
(one example: p55, G - R - O - W letters are dropped slightly, and there appear to be ghostly white letters showing on left, behind the Why triangle at top. It may not look like a big thing, but an example of poorer overall graphic quality throughout.)
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Sorry but on the road this week. May be able to look at it in a few days.
- Dov
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Thanks Dov. Much appreciated!
- Ari
via Newton Mail
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Hi Dov,
Just wanted to follow up on this. Thanks in advance for being open to taking another look!
via Newton Mail
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Hi again Dov Isaacs,
Just got another message from this user that they are having similar issues again. Wondering if you'd mind taking a look at this and providing some advice? Would love to find a permanent solution for this client.
Thanks so much!
The new client is unable to access or print a pdf workbook. I made it by simply printing to pdf, because the file wouldn’t distill.
The ps file is 111MG. The Word file is 148 MG.
Workaround: At FedEx they convert the pdf to an eps file, which makes each page an individual file, then combine each individual page file in Adobe Acrobat Pro.
They are very nice to help me (without charge) but you can imagine the time.
I tried this at home and got the message “Could not create PDF from users/melody1/desktop/leadership skills for manager workbook square (pg#).eps using Adobe pdf settings: standard. See log file for details.” AND I had to hit ‘okay’ for every. single. page. AND I couldn’t find the log files in Acrobat.
Distiller logs
Here’s the log from distiller, which still seems to have a problem with Proxima Nova font.
We do need to resolve this, as Proxima Nova is the brand font for my company.
Started: Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 12:18 PM
Adobe PostScript software version: 3018.101
CID support library initialization completed.
Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/CheckCompliance out of range
Distilling: Leadership Skills for
Start Time: Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 12:18 PM
Source: /Users/melody1/Desktop/Leadership Skills for
Destination: /Users/melody1/Desktop/Leadership Skills for Managers_Workbook_CCT.pdf
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Press Quality.joboptions
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
Log from another version of distiller, I can’t tell which is newer. This one first asks if the file is from a trusted source before opening, then lists every font I have.
Started: 8/8/19 at 12:20 PM
Adobe PostScript software version: 3018.101
CID support library initialization completed.
Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/CheckCompliance out of range
Distilling: Leadership Skills for
Start Time: 8/8/19 at 12:20 PM
Source: /Users/melody1/Desktop/Leadership Skills for
Destination: /Users/melody1/Desktop/Leadership Skills for Managers_Workbook_CCT.pdf
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Press Quality.joboptions
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
Distill Time: 1 seconds (00:00:01)
**** End of Job ****
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In this case there are two issues that the Distiller is giving you diagnostics about:
The first is with regards to the Distiller finding PDF/X-4-based joboptions. Distiller does not support PDF/X-4 and thus rejects that joboptions file. However, that is a warning and has nothing to do with failure of converting the file from PostScript to PDF.
The error that is important here is
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
This indicates an actual error in the font file that was inserted into the PostScript file, probably by a printer driver someplace in your workflow. The problem may be the original font itself or how the driver inserted the font (which is actually a font subset).
The list of fonts is normal when you run the Distiller the first time after installation or if it needs to rebuild its cache.
- Dov
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Thanks so much Dov Isaacs. What could be a better work-flow for this person? I think we discussed this before. Should they just try to use InDesign exclusively and not MS Word?
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I am assuming that you are running on MacOS based on the file directory names, correct?
Acrobat 9.x is exceptionally “long in the tooth” as they say. It was originally released 11 years ago and hasn't been supported by Adobe in any way for at least a half dozen years. I'm surprised if you can coerce it to run and install on any recent MacOS version.
That having been said, the fact that the Distiller is croaking on font SMFIZI+ProximaNova-Regular means that a subset font was found in the PostScript and not inserted by the Distiller. Whatever was generating the PostScript (possibly MacOS drivers?) is the likely source of the problem assuming that there wasn't some font handling bug in that older version of Distiller.
Unless there was EPS artwork in the original Word documents, distilling PostScript to get PDF is absolutely not recommended in modern workflows. More recent versions of Acrobat interface with Word to directly create PDF from the Word document. That is what you should be using, not conversions of PostScript. Even the MacOS PDF creation is better than this PostScript route.
It would be easy to say that using InDesign would solve your problems for this particular situation, but if that person doesn't have InDesign and/or know how to use it (a long and very steep learning curve), you aren't doing them any favors by recommending it.
- Dov
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Thanks again Dov Isaacs, as always! I'll pass the information on.
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I'm not 100% sure I'm following all of this but I'm having the same issue. I created a document in GoogleDocs using Montserrat font, downloaded it to my computer and am trying to make a PDF from the Word doc. (I need to use Word so others on my team can use the file - they don't have access to InDesign or GoogleDocs.) Every time I try to export, the formatting changes and it shifts text to different pages. The error that pops up is below. If I change the font the layout works but I would like to use Montserrat if at all possible.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: StemSnapH --nostringval-- ]%%
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it's probably not the cause, but there is no situation in which the PDF/X4:2008 job options should be used with Distiller. Distiller can't make PDF/X-4. This job option is for other apps. The error may be an issue in the font itself or in the PostScript driver.