text field Column calculation not working
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I'm trying to calculate 10 text fields in a column to show the total due at the bottom. I've done it many times from the properties>calculation tab with success. Now all of a sudden, when I "pick" the fields, and hit OK, nothing shows in the pick box at all. I also tried to "set field calculation order", but again, the only choice showing in the pick box is the "Amount Total Due"
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I've moved this from the Using the Community forum (which is the forum for issues using the forums) to the Acrobat forum so that proper help can be offered.
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Ok. Thank you.
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May be a bug in Acrobat, you should restart the computer.
Here is your "OK" file: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:ad3135d8-baa5-49fa-8d3f-452a79e33174
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe
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I did restart, but I can see the difference from your fix and my original. You have a subset "Amount Row" with the text fields under it and then choose "AmountTotalDue" for the calculation. I'll work off your "ok" doc.
Thanks so much!
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Actually, would you mind doing the calculations on the amount column on this more recently updated document. I spent tons of time getting all the other fields exactly how I want them, EXCEPT for the amount column and don't want to have to start over.
That being said, I'd love to learn what you did to make it work, vs. what I did.
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I'd rather teach you how to fish than give you a fish.
But don't worry, it won't take you more than a minute:
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Thanks very much! I've been working on, and learning to create this form for our school community for weeks! I now have a great form for them!
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Another problem. I've distributed this form to faculty/staff to use. They are to fill it out, "save as", email it back to me. When I get it back, I am unable to add in anything they may have forgotten. Is there a setting I can adjust to give me permissions to make changes or additions?
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I guess this PDF was flatenned (form fields are merged in the layout) using a virtual printer.
I have never heard of "PDFium", I don't know what it is.
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe
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Copy paste this URL into Google Translate to learn how to force open a PDF form with Acrobat :
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Could you tell me how to rotate my document (88 pages) and save it so it remains rotated?
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Go to Page Thumbnails : select all thumbnails : right-click (or local menu) : Rotate Pages.
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe