Text Fields in Forms, won't adjust to top of field when field height is changed.
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Using Acrobat DC on Windows 10 (but also does the same thing on my Mac). When I add a new text field form, it uses the last default size. When I want to make it bigger (e.g. from 0.5" to 1.0" in height) the field size changes at the top. What happens then is the text then starts part way down the field (at the 0.5" point). Is there a way to have the fields expand down, rather than up - OR - is there a way to force the text to begin at the top of the field regardless when the height is changed? Have Properties Options at multi line, scroll and Rich Text. Have played around with these options to try to force it to start at the top - didn't make a difference. Have also tried checking/unchecking not changing height and width when changing position on Position tab.
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Text fields vertically align to the center of the field height unless they are set to multiline. It's best to set the field height to be just a bit taller than the font size for the content.
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They are set at multiline and I'm using Cambria 10 pt font in a 1" field (I know apples & oranges in measurement unit) so I don't think that's the issue.
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Use a other font.
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Thank You! You didn't say why, but I thought ok, I'll try it. I changed the font to Times Roman and it worked! Is there a list of what fonts work best somewhere?
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The font Cambria is buggy.
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In fact it's easy but it's a well hidden function of Acrobat Pro.
Allow the "Rich Text Formatting" to the field, enter a few caracters, then hit CTRL+E (or CMD+E on MacOS) to display the Text Properties Bar and found the "More" button, you can also set the spacing, etc.:
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