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Text missing after converting Word doc to PDF

New Here ,
Nov 19, 2021 Nov 19, 2021

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Hello.  After converting a Word 365 document to PDF, some of my text is missing.


I'm using Adobe DC 2021 version and it's a plug-in in Word. I've not had this problem before and can't figure out why this is happening. I need to use the plug-in to export the file so that the proper tagging appears in the PDF. Any ideas on what's going on and how to fix?


I tried in Word... File -> Save as Adobe PDF but I lose the proper tagging. I also tried File -> Save a Copy and have the same issue with tagging. 

Here is how the Word doc looks like....

Marion21845889fvi0_0-1637352402961.pngexpand image

This is how it exports into PDF:

Marion21845889fvi0_1-1637352457778.pngexpand image


Create PDFs , Edit and convert PDFs




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021

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Hi Marion,


We apologize for the delay in response to your issue reported.

The description given above shows that the Acrobat PDF maker plug-in has been used to convert/export the word file into .pdf format. However, result is appropriate as it looks in the word file.


We would like to know:

1- Does it happen only with the files which have tags? Also, did you check with any other file? If not, please try exporting a different word file to pdf.

2- Rather than exporting word to pdf using PDF maker plug-in, Open Acrobat DC> Tools>Create PDF>Import the word file> save the created PDF file. Now what's the result?

3- Make sure that you are running the most recent version of Acrobat DC.  

Open Acrobat>Help>Check for update



4- Even after trying all the suggestion, if the result is still the same, then please share the file with us. You can upload the file on Document Cloud web and share the link with us here. 







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New Here ,
Nov 24, 2021 Nov 24, 2021

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Hello Akanchha:


I am running the most up-to-date version of Acrobat DC.

I attempted the option in number 2 below.... where I opened DC>Tools>Create PDF>Import file ... and still received the same result.

I have attached the Word and PDF documents to show you the error.


Here is the issue:

Bottom of page 3 in the Word doc you will see a paragraph discussing KeyCite Alert. 

Marion21845889fvi0_0-1637794509116.pngexpand image

When you export to PDF the text of that paragraph disappears but the image of the icon remains. 


Marion21845889fvi0_1-1637794540386.pngexpand image


On page 4 of the document you will see a similarly formatted paragraph that exports correctly: see para 2 below. Both text and icon appear just fine.

Marion21845889fvi0_4-1637795095609.pngexpand image

Additionally, I need to use the Adobe Addin because it more properly tags the document for accessibility purposes. Exporting the doc using other options, does not tag the document properly.


This is a new issue that just started for me last week. Not sure if it's related to the latest release of Acrobat?


Any assistance you can provide would be helpful.

Thank you, Marion






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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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I had the same problem with an user. We had uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe and ensured it was the latest version and still had the same problem. There were some users that did not have this problem and others that did. After comparing the difference, we found the users with the problem are those with the newer version of Adobe, specifically version 21.007.20099 and users that did not have the issue were using version 21.005.20060. Luckily we had install files in our respository for an older version. I installed that on the user and unchecked automatic updates in the Preference settings and they are all good now. Hope this helps any one else that is having the issue out there. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 06, 2021 Dec 06, 2021

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Hi Marion,

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.


I have received the files. Allow a bit more time to review them and check whether issue is reproducible at our end or not.








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Explorer ,
Mar 21, 2022 Mar 21, 2022

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Any news on this?  I'm having the same problem.  We rolled out the latest Adobe Acrobat DC in January, and I've had repeated issues with text and/or graphics missing after converting Word docs to PDF.  These aren't even large docs - maybe two pages with a mix of text and graphics.  (I create "how-to" guides and tip sheets.)

We are on Windows 10, Office 2016 and Adobe Acrobat version 2021.011.20039.

I'm also having repeated crashing of the PDFMaker add-in in Word.  This is getting very frustrating.

I've already run a repair on Adobe Acrobat and Word.  I have not done a full uninstall/reinstall of Adobe Acrobat yet.  Was hoping since others were reporting this issue that Adobe would have a fix.  





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