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Text Search is not working on all pages of large file

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Mar 12, 2024 Mar 12, 2024

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I am working on a large pdf file trying to make it text searchable using Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017. When I did Enhance Scan > Recognize Text, it worked on some of the pages. However, on other pages when I tested to see if I could search terms in them, the file will skip over the pages. When I copied and pasted the term to another document, I found that even though the image displayed text, when I pasted what I copied, what showed was gibberish.


Right now, I'm attempting an Enhance Scan, but since this document is 3,000 pages and getting it text searchable is a time sensitive manner, I was wondering if there is something else I should try to get Adobe to recognize the text on all pages as words instead of gibberish.


Also, here's an example, I copied the word "intake" from the pdf, but when I paste it, it pastes as "/##'!<F#"()#"

Please advise.


Edit and convert PDFs , How to , Modern Acrobat , PDF






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New Here ,
Mar 12, 2024 Mar 12, 2024

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Hello, @Andrew36039297bwcvDGCustomerFirst 


If the PDF fonts don’t have Unicode tables or use standard encoding, copying and pasting can result in garbled text. Additionally, if the fonts used to create the PDF are not available on your system, this can also cause problems.

Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Use the Preflight tool to embed fonts:
    * Open the Preflight tool within Adobe Acrobat.
    * Look for the PDF Fixup Profile called “Embed Fonts”.
    * Apply this fixup to embed the fonts into your PDF. Note that the fonts need to be installed on your system for this to work.
  2. Convert text to outlines:
    * Add a text watermark to your document by hitting the space bar once in the watermark dialog.
    * Use the Flattener Preview to convert all text to outlines.
    * Save the document and then run OCR text recognition.
  3. Adjust OCR settings:
    * Open the PDF in Acrobat and go to Tools > Edit > Scanned Documents > Settings.
    * In the Scanned Document Editing Settings dialog box, deselect the “Use available system font” option.
  4. Copy with formatting:
    * Try right-clicking the text and selecting “Copy with Formatting”. This may work for small sections of text.


I hope my suggestion is helpful to you...


Best Regard,





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