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Hallo Community!
Ich habe auf Basis von Word ein mehrseitiges Formualr erstellen können, welches ich nun in Adobe Acrobat ausfüllbar machen möchte.
Die einzelnen Seiten gleichen sich inhaltlich und vom Aufbau her, so dass sich auch immer wieder die gleichen Texteingabefelder wiederholen.
Ich habe die betreffenden Textfelder der einzelnen Seiten schon unterschiedlich benannt, so dass der Textfeld-Name eindeutig ist, also 'Textfeld1' auf Seite 1, "Textfeld2" auf Seite 2 usw.
Ich bin für jeden Tip dankbar!
Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung schon vorab.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Problem #1: Unless you used a script to copy the value from one field to another, this should not happen. Are you sure you actually renamed the fields, and not did something else to them? If you changed the text next to the, for example, that won't work. Nor the field's Tooltip field or anything else. Only the name matters.
Problem #2: This is very tricky to implement. It requires a complex code, and you will lose one character when you "jump" to the next field. Also, you won't be able to back-s
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Problem #1: Unless you used a script to copy the value from one field to another, this should not happen. Are you sure you actually renamed the fields, and not did something else to them? If you changed the text next to the, for example, that won't work. Nor the field's Tooltip field or anything else. Only the name matters.
Problem #2: This is very tricky to implement. It requires a complex code, and you will lose one character when you "jump" to the next field. Also, you won't be able to back-space from the second field into the first one. I recommend adding a limit to the number of characters that is used, and when the field is full asking the user to continue in the next one. This can be done using a simple script.
Problem #3: Give the fields the same name, but unique export values. Be aware, though, that if you use radio-buttons the user won't be able to "un-select" their input to the field, once a selection has been made, so one of the options will always remain selected. If you want to allow an "empty" selection then use check-boxes instead of radio-buttons.
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Hello try67,
thank you for your quick support and answers regarding my little problems. That really helped me alot!
Problem #1: The field names (right hand side menu) where indeed different, but I found out, that the real names of the fields (properties -> name) have to be different. They weren't. After I'd altered these names, not text was duplicated to the other pages.
Problem #2: I skip this problem. Seems too complicated.
Problem #3: Worked as said, but I don't really understand how this is working. They got the same checkbox-name like "goal_reached_#2" and varous export settings then, like "yes", "no" or "partly". That kept them unique and editable afterwards.
So, again a big "Thank You" for the help!
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Glad to hear it!
Re #3: Note that "#2" is not a part of the actual field name. The "#" indicates this is a "widget", meaning a field that's a part of a group, and the number following it is the index number of that widget in the group (with 0 being the first one). So the actual field name is just "goal_reached_", in this case.