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Hi there,
just curious if soemone can assist me with this calculation. I'm trying to get a do start time - end time or end time minus startime . which ever works to get a positive number. I thought i had it but i do not. Is this better in Custom or Simplified?
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What is the format of your time fields? You can't do it with a simplified notation and it looks like your time field names have spaces in the field names, but it's hard to tell with a screenshot.
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The space means you can't use those field names in a simplified field notation, but you need a custom script anyway. You'll find the answers here:
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I tried to go to those forums and links and nothing is showing up
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For better look, i think this is simple but java isn't something i've quite understood yet. Just a start (HH:MM) "SUNStart" and then and end time (HH:MM) "SUNEnd" to equal total deciaml hours on the 3rd row. so i can total for the week.
This is a time sheet to record hours for staff - they don't need to calculate just add the hours
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Do you want to show total hours as HH:MM or decimal?
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Decimals preferably
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Put this as 'Custom calculation script' in "HOURS WEEK 1" field (remove any other calculation or script you have for those fields) :
function timeToMinutes(time) {
if (!time) return 0;
var [hours, minutes] = time.split(":").map(Number);
return hours * 60 + minutes;}
var fields = [
{ start: "SUNStart Time", end: "SUNEnd Time", hours: "SUNHOURS" },
{ start: "MONStart Time", end: "MONEnd Time", hours: "MONHOURS" },
{ start: "TUEStart Time", end: "TUEEnd Time", hours: "TUESHOURS" },
{ start: "WEDStart Time", end: "WEDEnd Time", hours: "WEDHOURS" },
{ start: "THUStart Time", end: "THUEnd Time", hours: "THURSHOURS" },
{ start: "FRIStart Time", end: "FRIEnd Time", hours: "FRIHOURS" },
{ start: "SATStart Time", end: "SATEnd Time", hours: "SATHOURS" }
var totalMinutes = 0;
fields.forEach(field => {
var startVal = this.getField(field.start).valueAsString;
var endVal = this.getField(field.end).valueAsString;
if (startVal && endVal) {
var dayTotalMinutes = timeToMinutes(endVal) - timeToMinutes(startVal);
dayTotalMinutes = Math.max(dayTotalMinutes, 0);
totalMinutes += dayTotalMinutes;
var dayDecimalHours = (dayTotalMinutes / 60).toFixed(1);
this.getField(field.hours).value = dayDecimalHours;}
else {
this.getField(field.hours).value = "";}});
if (totalMinutes > 0) {
var totalDecimalHours = (totalMinutes / 60).toFixed(1);
event.value = totalDecimalHours;}
else {
event.value = "";}
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Thank you! This is working but also not and it's now so above my head. It's not calculating in some feilds or adding a runnign total
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The issue was hours field names I didn't see correct and assume they are "TUEHOURS" and "THUHOURS" but it was "TUES" and "THURS", anyway I updated script to those names so try now.
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Enter the following custom calculation script in the Sunday total hours field and change the field names for the rest:
var start=this.getField("SunStart Time").value;
var end=this.getField("SunEnd Time").value;
if(start=="" || end=="")
var hours=Number(end.split(":")[0])-Number(start.split(":")[0]);
var mins=Number(end.split(":")[1])/60-Number(start.split(":")[1])/60;