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Tool for creating redaction masks (template)

Engaged ,
Jun 21, 2019 Jun 21, 2019

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I tried different tools for creating redaction masks/template but I couldn't find something that suits our needs.

The pages inside our documents could be arranged in any order.  We are looking for a way to create redaction templates we could apply on a page of our choice inside a document.   For example:

We have paper forms A, B, C, D, E which are scaned in no particular order and joined in a document.  We would like to have redaction template A, B, C, D, E as well to manually apply on each form (pages).

All the tools I tried use the template on the first page with the ability to repeat the template to other pages.  None let me apply template C to only page 3 for instance.

Edit and convert PDFs






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