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Unable to Combine TIFF Files in Acrobat

New Here ,
Sep 23, 2024 Sep 23, 2024

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I'm trying to combine 36 separate TIFF files into a single PDF so I can attach it to an email.  


The TIFF files were generated by my new-to-me Xerox printer/scanner, and I have yet to be able to find how to change the default settings on that file format, so I'm looking for an answer through Adobe.


I've tried right-clicking a single file and selecting 'Convert to Adobe PDF', which leads to an error message in Adobe (see first image, AdobeError1).


I've tried to use the Create function with Adobe already open; to the Single File option, and I receive the same error message.


Finally, I've tried selecting all the files in their folder, right-clicking, and selecting the 'Combine in Adobe' option.  The images all load in to the Combine screen, and I can rearrange the order, but when I click 'Combine' a little yellow caution triangle appears instead of a green check mark.  The error message reads:  "No PDF file was created because Adobe Acrobat encoutered an unidentified error."


Any assistance with this would be great; up until this point I've used Adobe to handle this task every month and I don't see how I'd replace it easily.  Thank you!

Create PDFs , General troubleshooting , PDF






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 27, 2024 Sep 27, 2024

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Apologies to hear and thanks for reporting. Single and multiple tiff files are combining file for me. I'm thinking the file may have some issues. Can you please confirm if it's one such TIFF files for AdobeError1.png issue or, multiple tiff files the issue is observed.. Please let me know, your Acrobat and OS version as well. Also, please share one such tiff file where issue is there in converting to pdf. Thanks!





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