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Using Acrobat's convert to HTML function, style problem with numbered lists - 1.1 vs 1.01

New Here ,
Apr 30, 2024 Apr 30, 2024

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I am trying to convert a PDF to HTML using Acrobats convert function.  The PDF has a number of numbered lists items like 1.01, 1.02, etc....  When it is converted to HTML, the source HTML codes show the numeber still as 1.01, but any browser renders it as simply 1.1, 1.2, ect.  

Is there a setting/option I am missing in the convert settings to make it render properly, or is there an edit I can do to the CSS to show the numbered list correctly?

I think this may be the code in question.  My HTML and CSS skills are lacking, so I would appreciate any help 🙂


li {display: block; }
#l1 {padding-left: 0pt;counter-reset: c1 1; }
#l1> li>*:first-child:before {counter-increment: c1; content: counter(c1, decimal)" "; color: black; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; }
#l1> li:first-child>*:first-child:before {counter-increment: c1 0; }
#l2 {padding-left: 0pt;counter-reset: c2 1; }
#l2> li>*:first-child:before {counter-increment: c2; content: counter(c1, decimal)"."counter(c2, decimal)" "; color: black; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12pt; }
#l2> li:first-child>*:first-child:before {counter-increment: c2 0; }
#l3 {padding-left: 0pt;counter-reset: c3 1; }
#l3> li>*:first-child:before {counter-increment: c3; content: counter(c3, lower-latin)") "; color: black; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12pt; }


<ol id="l1"><ol id="l2"><li data-list-text="1.01"><h2 style="padding-left: 65pt;text-indent: -35pt;text-align: left;">In this Agreement,</h2><p style="text-indent: 0pt;text-align: left;"><br/></p>


Edit and convert PDFs






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