When I create PDF from Word, it shifts the images and content
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Every once in a while over the past year, when I create a PDF from a MS Word document, it shifts (moves) the images and/or content, making the PDF useless to me. I have both Reader and Acrobat Pro. Detail: I used a lot of text boxes in the Word doc in order to get the layout the way I wanted it. The images are inside text boxes so that I could add a shadow. (I wouldn't have to go through all these hoops if Adobe still offered PageMaker for Mac, and I am not using InDesign, which is much too cumbersome to bother with.) On my Mac, it's easy to create a PDF by printing to PDF. But when I open the PDF, the photos are askew inside their frames. My work-around has been to come online and convert using my free Cloud account. It converted, and the pix stayed where they belonged, but some of the text ran off the page. What can I do to finish my flyer and start sending it out, printing, etc?
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I think you said the magic word when you said you use "Print to PDF" as opposed to "Print to Adobe PDF."
So that you know, when you use "Print to PDF," you are using the operating systems PDF generator which, both for Mac and PC, are less than stellar.
In your Word application, try using the "Acrobat" Option in the tabs across the top or use the "Print to Adobe PDF."
See if that works.
BTW, while I'll admit that there is a small learning curve to InDesign, it's only the very beginning that's the big challenge but after than it is SO MUCH WORTH IT, to be working with a real page layout application. Placing images is a great example, how Word screws up that one issue is the thing that really pushed me away from Word.
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Wow. Never noticed that. Thank you for the suggestion. I did that, and had to create a workflow. Then used Print to Adobe PDF. The result is much worse. But it was worth a try.
I've emailed the Word doc to a friend to try on their computer. Sometimes that works. I probably need to update my Word; it's Word 2016 for Mac. (I don't pay monthly fees for software.) I'm guessing that's the underlying problem because Excel started showing a notice - something about not being able to use all my fonts.
I know that Word is a terrible way to do page layout. I loved the simple elegance of PageMaker, and I miss it immensely.
Image of Word doc:
I didn't download the PDF I did online with DC. It was fine except it enlarged the text in the sidebar so much that the last 2 lines were in the purple background. Actually the 1st of those 2 lines was in the purple, and the last line was gone completely. Perhaps it did it with the other text box as well, but I didn't look further. I adjusted the text in my Word doc, but I have a free account, so I can only convert 1 doc per day. I'll try again tomorrow.
Image of SaveAs PDF:
Image of SaveAs Adobe PDF:
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Hi Anne,
Well yeah, that's worse. Jeesh!
Hmm, if you're not wanting to pay for subscription, can I ask what version of Acrobat Pro you are using (and what release)? Also, what OS are you using (and what release)? Lastly, what version of Word are you using (and what release)?
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Mac OS 10.14.6 (Mohave)
Word 10.14.6
Acrobat 2017.011.30114
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OK, I'm confused. 10.14.6 is the current release for Mojave.
What is the version of Word you are using?
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Word 10.14.6
Acrobat 2017.011.30114
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Hi Anne
Interesting, what a coincidence. What year did you get that? My copy of the most recent Word is 16.28 (360 thing) and is 2019.
What I'm looking for is is your copy of Word sufficiently old that it can't work properly with Mojave and Acrobat. The reason why I'm concerned about this is I see these kinds of things all the time in these forums where they have one old software amongst newer copies of others and specific features/things just do not work right. Ergo my questions on this.
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I have a similar problem. I have the latest of everthing and pay a subscription to Adobe and Microsoft, and am working on an apple studio, with up-to-date software. I make shape ppoems with text boxes on Word, get the spacing exact - and usually, usually, everything comes out fine on the Mac version of PDF. But Adobe? Hmmmm. It doesn't seem to be able to cope with 'shapes' in Word that have been edited, or shapes in general. And text boxes shift. I have no idea how to anchor them in place. It's very frustrating. Because for publishing the Adobe PDf is much better quality.