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Why? Why do you "creators" feel a need to completely change the layout of toolbars, etc. in a program?! Do you have nothing to do so you just search out what you can do to aggravate us? Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts! WHY???
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@reginal79098089 wrote on 22 June:
Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts!
Hi Reginal,
I have yet to hear from someone who likes the "new experience" in Acrobat, but it is easy to turn off!
Steps to enable [and disable] the new experience
Details about the New Experience here:
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Was this even tested before it was released to the public?
By @DCProud 202
Adobe has pre-release testers for all the Creative Suite programs and Acrobat. Occassionally I see Adobe announce for people to join the testing program.
Many of us community experts here in the forums are testers for Adobe, and many of us have been doing this since the 1980s and 1990s.
I can't recall much positive feedback from the testers before the "modern" Acrobat was released to the public. I know my comments back to the engineers were fairly extensive. Some things were improved (darkening the icons from a light gray to a dark gray, for example). But for the most part, the comments have fallen on deaf ears.
Over the past 18 months, I personally have continued to use and test the newest beta releases, but I often have to abandon them and switch to another computer that runs the "classic" interface. I have only so much time to donate to Adobe to dignose problems (and provide detailed bug reports and comments to the engineers). I, like most folks here, have a job to do. Working for free for Adobe is not on my to-do list.
3 suggestions:
But note that none of these competing programs have all the features of Acrobat, so if you're in certain industries, you're really stuck with Adobe Acrobat. These industry-specific features include:
So see if any other alternative brand gets the job done for you. Be careful of the company's country of origin: you might not be able to install software from certain countries, which is the case here in the US for government computers. Example: FoxIt is a Chinese company and usually is not allowed on our government clients' computers.
As always, don't forget to voice your comments on UserVoice and click the button to VOTE. That is the only place where Adobe takes notice of customers.
Let Adobe know:
You can voice your opinion about the new interface at UserVoice:
Be sure to leave a comment about your experience with the new interface. They need to hear from users. And don't forget to click the VOTE button.
FYI, UserVoice is Adobe's official website where it reads and takes into account suggestions and complaints from users of its various products. On the other hand, this community forum is a user-to-user help forum.
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these are user-to-user forums.
for applicable apps, you can make (some) suggestions to adobe here,
for others, use
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@reginal79098089 wrote on 22 June:
Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts!
Hi Reginal,
I have yet to hear from someone who likes the "new experience" in Acrobat, but it is easy to turn off!
Steps to enable [and disable] the new experience
Details about the New Experience here:
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Lifesaver! Thanks, Jane - the new layout was absolutely appalling so glad to revert.
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Totally agree! Glad there is a reset
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Oh Jane you are a lifesaver! Thank you so much!!
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You're so very welcome, @reginal79098089 ! This one has left a lot of us wondering why, but at least Adobe gave us a quick way out.
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If I could give you 10 upvotes, I would. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
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Thank you so very much 🙂
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Why torture us with the new acrobat???
Acrobat was working fine.
I had to lose hours of productivity, because you wanted me to, without any reason at all.
I am paying for what I have and I want it to remain so.
So stop creating problems with "New ideas" of stupid people you employ.
Andreas Kyrozis
Civil Engineer MSc
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WHat do you mean "You don't understand"?
Adobe changer Acrobat DC in August 2023 for no reason at all, creating a mess, and disrupting the productivity of millions of users. Just because some employees wanted to show-off to their bosses.
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My thoughts exactly!! I mean seriously ... what a MESS!!!!! Must be the workings of an intern ... they prolly thought he was a genius! lol
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You'll be happy to hear that you can go back to how it was before.
To go back to the old UI click the Options button at the top left corner (Windows) or open the View menu (Mac) and select Disable New Acrobat.
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Full instructions on how to revert to the classic GUI interface (for both Mac and Windows) are here:
And let Adobe know your opinion at UserVoice:
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Thanks a lot!
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I'm perfectly agree! These unnecessary cosmetic changes only cause problems, since everything has changed, and they are not even functional! Leave everything as it was before, please!
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I agree 100%. Mine just updated! Garbage!
At least Adobe knows that it's terrible and built in a way back!
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At least Adobe knows that it's terrible and built in a way back!
The reason for the "way back" is that Adobe has not yet implemented the complete functionality in the new interface. I personally find the new interface much better. I was never a frind of the old one.
You see, you will have as much opinions on this than users.
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Adobe needs to FIRE their software creators
They had a kick ass product
BUT - - The creators need to somehow justify thier existance
SO - - They take something that everyone liked - and changed it
to something everyone hates
(other than software folks trying to justify their jobs)
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Adobe needs to FIRE their software creators
By @Kenny331214439nem
You are well aware that Adobe is a software company. If they fire all software engineers and designers, you would have only sales and support left. That would not run a company.
Revert to the classic experience and be happy.
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Thank goodness there is a way to restore the older version. The new version had me in tears all day. It is horrible. Adobe should never ever do this to customers again.
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I find the new interface more intuitive. I rarely switch back.