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I tried to write a "simple subject" for this post but the website grabbed the post and gave me 4 or 5 entries, and this locked me out.
So, I cannot write the subject. I have been using Adobe Reader since intel came out with a 486 chip. My friend Nick built me a 13th Gen Intel PC in January 2024 and the first thing I did was to install Adobe Reader. It was all good until a few months ago. I installed the chrome browser and a week later I think, suddenly the adobe reader changed to an awful mess of open panels or panes and a loss of display options and vertical bars that do I don't know what. This is to much for me. I would rather read pdf files in chrome than to try to figure out the mess you turned the greatest pdf reader in the world into.
So, at this point I want to install an older version of adobe reader that was available in 2023. All I do with adobe reader is read. All I want to do with adobe reader is read. NOTHING ELSE! While reading I want to be able to search the page. I want to zoom in and out. I want to be able to have the pdf directory open on the left side if I want, so I can get to what I am looking for. You changed everything and don't provide any instructions to tame the mess you created. I would like some ACCURATE information on how to install an older version please. And before anyone tells me how to do it, please try to do it yourself first. Everything is constantly changing from day to day.
Case in point. Months ago, the right panel or pane (whatever you call them) started to be opened when I launched the reader. I goggled for how to fix that and I got an answer that worked after a fashion. Then the panel or pane started to be open again. I tried the same fix but the check square and the answer I needed to click on was no longer in Preferences. Gone! I thought I could reinstall the reader and that just made it worse! It turned into an awful mess of open panels or panes and vertical bars and loss of display options. Just a real spit show. So, I hope I haven't hurt anybody's feelings but nothing new on the new reader has anything for me. I just want to read.
Can someone tell me how I can install an older reader that hasn't been "made better"? I would really appreciate it. Reading on chrome is not the same as using Adobe reader. But I can't use the app in its current condition.
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