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Hello Community,
we have changed Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to 64bit some time ago. We noticed that after the distribution no preview in Windows Explorer is possible anymore. There was an official article from Adobe, unfortunately I can't find it again.
The version number where the preview did not work is 2200120039 and the version where it works is 2200120085.
I have manually uninstalled version 2200120039 and then installed version 2200120085 with a silent script. After that the preview worked.
But if I leave the version 2200120039 installed and run the script as a patch, then the preview does not work.
Where exactly is the error? is it an addon that is installed and not updated or registered during the update? What happens to the Std. and Pro versions when I apply my script? do the users have to register again when uninstalling?
#schließt Adobe Reader
Stop-Process -Name "Acrobat*" -Force
Stop-Process -Name "AcroRd32*" -Force
#deinstalliert den acrobat reader
$Uninstall = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -like "*Adobe Acrobat*"}
#installieren der neuen version
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/i "$PSScriptRoot\AcroPro.msi" PATCH="$PSScriptRoot\AcroRdrDCx64Upd2200120085.msp" /qn /L*v "C:\Temp\adobe.log"'
I want to keep it as simple as possible and not cause conflicts
Have something to add?