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I purchased Adobe Acrobat DC for educators. It works perfectly fine on my windows laptop. However, when I download the app for my iphone and ipad, it will not allow me to edit PDF files. I sign in with the same username and password. The mobile apps still want me to purchase the Acrobat DC, which I already have. I tried to do a chat with Adobe and they said to post here
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Dear gelenak21639877,
EditPDF is available on iPads when you have an active subscription for Acrobat Pro DC.
The feature is not available on mobile devices for a licensed version of Acrobat Pro as it is in your case.
Please refer to if you would like to subscribe to Acrobat Pro DC to enable the additional functionality on your iPad.
I hope your question was answered.
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The version of Acrobat for iOS is not comparable to that for Windows or MacOS. Within Acrobat Rader for iOS, once you login with your Adobe ID, its editing features are very rudimentary and limited to some text editing, at best.
- Dov
PS: The Adobe chat people should have directly answered your question and not sent you here!!!
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Whether rudimentary or not I would still like the option of having that. I paid for the product and it should allow me to edit (however limited) on my iPad or iPhone. I would like to know why it is not allowing me to edit on my iPhone/iPad and how to fix that.
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Assuming that you installed the Adobe Acrobat Reader for iOS on your iPad and open the PDF file in that (as opposed to iOS' built-in PDF viewer) and login with your Adobe ID, you should be able to do elementary text edits of your PDF file, assuming the PDF file is not protected against modifications.
There is nothing “to fix” beyond that since the product doesn't support editing of PDF files to the degree that Acrobat DC Pro supports editing on Windows and MacOS.
- Dov
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I should be able to do this but I cannot. The iPad and iPhone version don't recognize that I have purchased adobe acrobat DC. i use the same login. That is the problem.
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Do you know if you bought Acrobat Standard DC, or Acrobat Pro DC? You can find the information if you go to Adobe ID, and log in to your account. The page will list all plans that you have bought under "Plans & Products".
Acrobat Standard DC functionality is available for Windows only. Acrobat Pro DC is available on MAC, WIN, and mobile devices.
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It says adobe acrobat pro
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Now, on your mobile device go to "My Account": Run Acrobat, tap on "Home", or "my documents" button in the upper left corner of the screen. Acrobat Reader shows the Tools Switcher panel. Tap "My Account" near the bottom of the pane.
Does "Adobe Acrobat Pro DC" show "Subscribed"?
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It doesn't show subsribed. That's the problem.
it wants me to subscribe and pay again.
I am logged in with the same username as I used to purchase adobe acrobat pro.
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Dear gelenak21639877,
EditPDF is available on iPads when you have an active subscription for Acrobat Pro DC.
The feature is not available on mobile devices for a licensed version of Acrobat Pro as it is in your case.
Please refer to if you would like to subscribe to Acrobat Pro DC to enable the additional functionality on your iPad.
I hope your question was answered.
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I have the same problem. I am subscribed to adobe Pro DC and it shows on my ipad but does not let me edit and sign
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I did the login. It recognizes my subscription. I understand it simply doesn't work in iphone, only in ipad. I think this is a pity...It would be very useful.
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This issue still remains unsolved in 2021. I have an active school subscription, with which I could edit the files on Macbook. Even though the acrobat app says "edit" and double tap to edit, when done so, it only zooms in and out, which seems to be the bug to me. If there's another reasonable explanation to this, let us know. Thank you.
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I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing but I've been able to edit PDF on my mobile phone up until yesterday!! I have Acrobat Pro and I'm subscribed which includes Premium. I have no idea what's going on as to why I am unable to now!!