Bernd Alheit, "ActiveX component cant create object AcroExch.App" #23, 18 Jul 2008 3:33 am
>Not all code created for Adobe Acrobat will work with Adobe Reader.
I need only to open or print a PDF, that's all I want
Aandi Inston, "ActiveX component cant create object AcroExch.App" #24, 18 Jul 2008 3:33 am
>Adobe don't support more than one Acrobat/Reader product on the same
>PC. Since they cannot run at the same time, and have different
>capabilities you have a problem.
I need Acrobat to create PDF using his virtual printer but I can't deny a user to install a newest reader for his needs.
>However, if you make sure Acrobat, not Reader, is started FIRST and
>already running this may reduce problems.
With a Acrobat Reader installed is possible to open a PDF using Acrobat instead of the Reader ?
If I can manage this problem by code I can later use the CreateObject to print a different document, now to open a PDF I'am using in VB6:
ShellExecute(0, vbNullString, sFile, 0&, 0&, 1)
but this open the PDF using the Reader