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Automatic Calculations for PDF on IPad

New Here ,
Mar 14, 2020 Mar 14, 2020

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A friend and I are working on an accounting project. My friends dad set up an electronic PDF sheet that is supposed to automatically calculate totals and put them in the corresponding blanks/cells. My friend uses a Dell laptop and the PDF automatically does the math for him, but when I use Adobe Acrobat on my IPad Mini 1, Adobe does not automatically do the calculations. How do I fix this? Need an answer ASAP!

Acrobat SDK and JavaScript






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Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2020 Mar 14, 2020

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The answer to your inquiry is found here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/how-do-i-install-acrobat-dc-on-my-ipad-pro/td-p/10341500?page...


On the other hand, If the main  PDF with calculated scripts  has document level ( or folder level javascripts) it won't work in the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app.


You should be able to make custom calculated script in a PDF form created with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, and when you open the same form in a mobile device those calculated fields should work as long as  they're not depending of a folder level script.


Also, have you checked in another mobile device, with AndroidOS, for example, or even with tested with a third-party app like Foxit Reader, just to see  if you're able to use this PDF?


I do have PDFs that for some reason don't work at all in the Adobe Reader mobile app but do work with Foxit.


Let me be clear, that I am not advertising another product; but at this time I've run into the same problems with some of my PDF forms and haven't been able to figure out why.







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