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Hi all,
I am creating a PDF document from scratch with the Adobe SDK Library. My first version of the code is working but I would like to improve the speed of the algorithm.
Here is the initial workflow :
1 - Create a new empty document via
* PDDocCreate
* PDDocCreatePage
* PDDocSave
2 - For each text element to add
* PDDocOpen
* PDDocAquirePage
* PDPageAcquirePDEContent
* PDEContentAddElem
* PDPageSetPDEContent
* PDDocSave
As I said, this process works fine but it's not efficient because each time we open and save the same file. So my second thought was to do :
1 - Create a new empty document via
* PDDocCreate
* PDDocCreatePage
* PDDocSave
* return pdDoc
2 - For each text element to add, using the already known pdDoc
* PDDocOpen
* PDDocAquirePage
* PDPageAcquirePDEContent
* PDEContentAddElem
* PDPageSetPDEContent
* PDDocSave
In this way it seems to be two times faster. It is great but I would like to know if it is possible to avoid the PDDocSave and doing it only one time at the end. Here is the Idea :
1 - Create a new empty document via
* PDDocCreate
* PDDocCreatePage
* PDDocAquirePage
* PDPageAcquirePDEContent
* PDDocSave
* return pdeContent
2 - For each text element to add, using the already known pdeContent
* PDDocOpen
* PDDocAquirePage
* PDPageAcquirePDEContent
* PDEContentAddElem
* PDPageSetPDEContent
* PDDocSave
3 - Save the Document
* ???
The Question are :
- How can I deal with the multiple page ? Is PDEContentAddPage the answer ?
- I think I could use PDPageSetPDEContent to send the pdeContent to a pdPage but what is the pdDoc for PDDocSave ? How could I set it with pdPage ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
1. Return also PDDoc
3. Save using PDDoc Returned in 1.
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With PDDocCreatePage you can add new empty pages.
You don't need PDDocAquirePage after PDDocCreatePage.
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1. Return also PDDoc
3. Save using PDDoc Returned in 1.
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- Since, I add each Text in the pdeContent I will not have any pdPage in 2 ?
- Probably a related question, how can the pdDoc return in 1 know what I have Added in the pdeContent ?
According to both answers, Is it correct to do :
1 - Create a new empty document via
* PDDocCreate
* PDDocCreatePage
* PDDocAquirePage
* PDPageAcquirePDEContent
* PDDocSave
* return pdeContent pdPage and pdDoc
2 - For each text element to add, using the already known pdeContent
* PDEContentAddElem
* PDPageSetPDEContent
3 - Save the Document
* PDDocSave using pdDoc
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You need the PDPageSetPDEContent only once after adding all elements.
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Thank you very much Bernd Alheit​ and Test Screen Name​ it seems to work.
It took me roughly roughly 28 sec to insert 400 elements with the first process, 14 sec with the second and about 0.5 sec now !
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In general, it works more like:
PDDoc newDoc = PDDocCreate
For each page
PDPage newPage = PDDocCreatePage( newDoc )
PDEContent cont = PDPageAcquirePDEContent( newPage )
For each element
PDEContentAddElem( cont )
PDEPageSetPDEContent( newPage, cont )
PDDocSave( newDoc )
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The PDDoc is not a frozen copy of a file, or a name of a file on disk, it holds all the contents as you change them. These changes are in memory or temporary files. When you save, all changes are saved.