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Certain Text Characters Replaced by Boxes after Compiling Documents

New Here ,
Jan 27, 2021 Jan 27, 2021

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Dear Community,

I have been facing this issue for some time now and I request for your help on this matter.

Background: I receive certain PDF files created by a company in Egypt. I am able to view these files without any issues. However, once I compile them on my PC (Kuwait), many text characters are replaced by boxes.

Temporary Soultion: After some research, I found out that the issue is with embedded fonts. I figured a way to solve this. I print the individual docs I receieve by changing my print settings (remove all fonts from 'Never Embed') and then use these newly printed PDFs for my compilation.


However, such is extremely time consuming as I deal with a large number of files. 


Requirement: I would like to know "What instruction I can give to my folks in Egypt, such that I can simply compile the files I receive without facing any issue?"


Thank you in advance for your cooperation.







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