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Creating a custom button with Javascript

Community Beginner ,
Aug 20, 2020 Aug 20, 2020

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Hi everyone, 


I'm trying to automate a custom button dedicated to page navigation, it would:

   1. Set up a "mouse up" action to go to a destination at the bottom of my PDF.

   2. Create a second button at the desired page in the PDF, it should reference where the original button is.


Right now I've created a "destinations" tool to move to a specific page. However, I would like to set the destination to the newly created button and visa-versa. 


My employer struggles with technology and I believe creating simple buttons like this will help with the form creation and navigation. 


Here's some of my code:


("Buttons" is my array of buttons)

for(var j = 0; j < buttons.length; j++){

  if(buttons[j].name.substring(0, 7) == "FINDING"){

      buttons[j].fillColor = color.blue;

      buttons[j].textColor = color.white;

      buttons[j].textSize = 10;

      buttons[j].textFont = font.Helv;

      if(buttons[j].pageNum == 2){***This has not worked either***

           buttons[j].setAction("MouseUp", this.gotoNamedDest("Ref"));






Thanks for the help in advance. I hope this was clear enough and I would like to know if what I want is actually possible. I've realized Adobe is not the easiest to work with. I'm a web developer and Adobe's limitations are becoming increasingly frustrating. 

Acrobat SDK and JavaScript




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Community Expert ,
Aug 20, 2020 Aug 20, 2020

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You can create button and as mouse up event choose "Go to a page" to set page and view.
You can create button to go back to previous page using this code:  app.goBack()
or you can go  to specific button if you use code like this: this.getField("Button name").setFocus();
Hope some of this can help you.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 20, 2020 Aug 20, 2020

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- A field object has a page property, not a pageNum property.

- The second parameter of setAction needs to be the code to execute, but in the form of a string, like this:

buttons[j].setAction("MouseUp", "this.gotoNamedDest(\"Ref\")");




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